We had an excellent visit to the doctors today. This was my 31 week/8th month appointment. I'm measuring 40cm in my fundal height, which is normal for a woman who is 9 months pregnant. (Fundal height is the measurement from the top of my belly to the bottom). And it's only gonna get bigger...ugh! The twins are doing great. Both are apx. the same size, within a half pound or so. Each are measuring about 3 pounds. Sorry we don't have any good ultrasound pictures...Timothy is laying under Cameron so she was shadowing his face and Cameron was turned kinda upside down so the doctor couldn't really see her face. But both are very active and both are breech...or rather one is breech and one is sorta breech, sorta transverse or laying sideways...that's Timothy, he is under and across Cameron. Nonetheless, there are two sets of feet kicking the heck out of my bladder all day...good times.