I thought I would post a few of my favorite comments I've been getting from friends and strangers. Some friends might not see me for a week or so and are a bit taken back by the size of my belly. And it always amazes me what people will say to a total stranger...so here is my list...
WOW! You’re huge!
Are you sure you only have two babies in there?
You are about to pop?
How do you get up stairs?
You don’t look pregnant from the back...
It’s nice to see your face fill out
You haven't had those babies yet?
You’ve gained 48 pounds??!!
That shirt doesn't fit you anymore, huh?
Are you past your due date?
You look so uncomfortable...
Luckily I have thick skin and think most of the comments are pretty funny...I only have a few weeks left, so get them in while you can!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Happy 35th Young
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Kapic Triplets!!
The triplets are here!! Our good friends, Danny and Emily Kapic, had their triplets on Saturday, 1/26/08. Mom and all three babies are doing well. Two boys and one girl...I knew it! The baby girl needs some assistance breathing but is doing well. Here is a link to their blog if you would like to get the details. http://www.thekapics.blogspot.com/
We just want to congratulate them and can't wait for all our kids to play together. With their triplets and our twins, we'll practically have a full day care class!!
We just want to congratulate them and can't wait for all our kids to play together. With their triplets and our twins, we'll practically have a full day care class!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
my gift
I just wanted to write a quick post about how amazing my husband is. It's not just one thing I can point to, just in general, he is one of the most beautiful people I have ever met. What a gift he is to me. Even in just preparing for our twins, he constantly surprises me with his excitement, sense of humor and concern for my well being...not to mention his handyman skills with cribs, bouncy seats and the glider rocker! With all the attention being focused on me and/or the twins, I just wanted to give a shout out to my handsome, adorable husband. I'm so lucky.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Week 35 Woo Hoo!
We've made it one more week and not an end in sight! More good news from the doctors apt. today...each baby passed their heart/movement test, they have plenty of fluid around each and I'm still truckin' along. No bed rest! My doctor is very please with everyone's progress and seems to think I'll be able to carry all the way till the end. She told me to settle in for the long haul. So no more sitting on pins and needles thinking it could be any day now. I'm scheduled for a Feb 26th c-section and she thinks I'll make it or get really close...at least to 37 weeks.
We also had an ultrasound today, measuring their size. Cameron is still a little smaller, weighing in at 4lb 13oz and her brother, eating more than his fair share, weighs in at 5lb 6oz. I had a pretty dry technician today in ultrasound, so we didn't get good ultrasounds pictures..again. But here is a belly shot just for fun.
We also had an ultrasound today, measuring their size. Cameron is still a little smaller, weighing in at 4lb 13oz and her brother, eating more than his fair share, weighs in at 5lb 6oz. I had a pretty dry technician today in ultrasound, so we didn't get good ultrasounds pictures..again. But here is a belly shot just for fun.

Monday, January 21, 2008
Finding a Pediatrician
One major task on our to-do list is finding a pediatrician. This seems so strange to me b/c you have to try and find a doctor that fits your children's needs...when you don't even know your children yet. And how do you interview a doctor? I mean, I have questions people suggest you ask, but really, you can't tell until you get your kids in there and see how they interact with them. It's like hiring a new employee...sort of. The main things to check is how do they handle weekend/holiday emergencies and do they take time with your children or try to rush you in and out.
We are so blessed that Young's company will be picking up the twins, so they don't have do go on my Kaiser. There are some things I like about Kaiser but some things I don't. Then you are supposed to find referrals from friends with kids...did that and none of their doctors are in the insurance plan that we will be in. Now it's down to printing out a list of doctors from the plan and seeing which ones are in a close location to our house...that narrows it down to about 30 doctors. All the doctors have a specialty, meaning cardiology, asthma, neurologist, etc. Who knows if we'll need these??
So I select a few, do some online research and just start calling their offices. Is it a bad sign when when you leave a message and they don't call you back?
We are so blessed that Young's company will be picking up the twins, so they don't have do go on my Kaiser. There are some things I like about Kaiser but some things I don't. Then you are supposed to find referrals from friends with kids...did that and none of their doctors are in the insurance plan that we will be in. Now it's down to printing out a list of doctors from the plan and seeing which ones are in a close location to our house...that narrows it down to about 30 doctors. All the doctors have a specialty, meaning cardiology, asthma, neurologist, etc. Who knows if we'll need these??
So I select a few, do some online research and just start calling their offices. Is it a bad sign when when you leave a message and they don't call you back?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Week 34!!
Just a quick update on my non-stress test from yesterday...still smooth sailing! Thank you everyone for all your prayers so far. We have made it to 34 weeks!! As far as the twins, they have changed positions, both are transverse, laying on top of each other...which means they are laying left to right. Here is a picture I found of the internet of a single transverse so just imagine another baby laying on top of this baby.
Because they are on top of each other AND laying on their backs, finding two heartbeats was extremely time consuming yesterday. What should have been a 30min. visit turned into a two hour stay with many doctors coming in trying to pick up two different heartbeats. They could see two heartbeats on the ultrasound but the monitors would only pick up one b/c they are so close together. They wanted to see two beats for 20mins with two movements. Finally the third doctor had success, after I watched many other women come and go, passing their test in 20mins flat! Oh well, just another way twins are special.
I had high hopes of going by Citizen Cake and treat myself to some cupcakes and cookies, but after being poked, prodded, moved up and down, side to side and had at least a whole tube of gel smeared all over my belly, I just went home and took a shower and long nap!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
I keep having these dreams of leaving the twins somewhere and forgetting about them. I had another one last night. We were out and with friends, came home and I realized we left the twins at the restaurant. Sheer panic! And two nights ago I dreamed I had the babies and went back to work the next day...I couldn't remember what they looked like or where they were. I was so sad. And these aren't the first dreams I've had like this. Young gets an earful almost every morning. And don't get me started on the dream of two car seats floating down the river and I only have time to save one...what a nightmare!!
I hear it's pretty common for pregnant women to have these kind of scary dreams...yet another thing I'm not liking about being pregnant. But as my friend Timmie pointed out, at least I'm sleeping well enough at night to even dream. Thanks for the glass half full, Timmie!
I hear it's pretty common for pregnant women to have these kind of scary dreams...yet another thing I'm not liking about being pregnant. But as my friend Timmie pointed out, at least I'm sleeping well enough at night to even dream. Thanks for the glass half full, Timmie!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
God speaking
I thought I would post something a little spiritual, just something I feel God has laid on my heart in regards to our children. Being their spiritual leaders. I'm reading the book of Hosea right now...which I highly recommend anyone reading or rereading if you haven't read it in a while. It's an awesome example of God's love for us. Anyway, I was at the part where the Lord was speaking to people of Israel, Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge". God is charging the priest for leading the people astray. Priest were the spiritual leaders of the time and this struck me b/c Young and I will be the our children's spiritual leaders. I don't want them lead astray b/c of lack of knowledge. I know they will have Sunday school teachers, youth group leaders, pastors and other guidance in their life, but we will be the first spiritual leaders they know. They will learn how to love one another by watching us. My prayer is that the Lord will give us wisdom and guidance so our children will know Him by knowing us.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
It's Like...
Week 33
Another great visit to the doctors today. I started my Non-Stress Tests (NST) which basically means they hook me up to monitors for 20mins (in theory) to measure the baby's heartbeat and movements...and any contractions I might be having. It took way longer than 20 minuets today. Timothy was moving around so much the sensor kept losing his heartbeat...then he fell asleep and had no movements for a while. It took about 40 min. to get a passing grade for him. Cameron passed in the first 20min...that's my girl! They also do an ultrasound to measure the fluid each baby has which was excellent, 2cm for each. I'll be going in every week for the NST.
I started having contractions this past weekend but nothing they seem to be worried about. My doctor said it's normal. Just as long as they don't last longer than 35 seconds or more than 6 an hour. I usually have 6 a day, so we're not packing for the hospital yet! We also took the hospital tour last Saturday so at least we know the know the layout. We are onto 33 weeks now and my doctor is happy with my progress. She wants to be really greedy and try to make it to 35 weeks but that's only 14 days away....eeekkss!!
I started having contractions this past weekend but nothing they seem to be worried about. My doctor said it's normal. Just as long as they don't last longer than 35 seconds or more than 6 an hour. I usually have 6 a day, so we're not packing for the hospital yet! We also took the hospital tour last Saturday so at least we know the know the layout. We are onto 33 weeks now and my doctor is happy with my progress. She wants to be really greedy and try to make it to 35 weeks but that's only 14 days away....eeekkss!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tired of eating, is it possible?
I've never been one to shy away from a meal and I absolutely love food...I'm a pastry chef after all. But I have to say, in these last months I am tired of eating! These twins have me eating six to seven times a day. It's so hard coming up with different things to eat all day, everyday. If I discover a new snack I'll eat it for three of four days and then I'm food bored again. I've pretty much exhausted burgers, ice cream, yogurt, fruit and chips. I can't eat a huge amount at one sitting b/c my stomach is smashed up by two little heads. But usually within an hour or so of feeling full, I'm feeling hungry again. I know Young is tired of hearing "I'm hungry, what do we have to eat?" Our grocery has noticeably go up a few bucks as well (another hidden cost of twins). If anyone has any exciting snacks to suggest, I'd be happy to hear them.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Hidden Costs of Twins Part I
Hi Everyone,
I thought I would start a new series in our blog called the "Hidden Costs of Twins." This is our first installment.
So we tried fitting our infant car seats in our car to no avail. Seeing how we are having two, we needed to put the seats behind the driver and passenger seats rather than one in the middle. Unfortunately, the front seats had to be pushed up to the point where it would have been uncomfortable.
The solution? New car; a bigger car actually. After careful consideration, we decided on a compact SUV (Acura RDX to be exact - picture below). Not only is the new vehicle more expensive but it gets worse gas mileage.

On top of that, we lost out on a great deal where the dealer was willing to 'lose money' on the deal (by going below invoice). Apparently they were having a really slow day and wanted to get rid of some vehicles on their lot. They were virtually begging us to make a deal. Unfortunately, I'm a processor, I needed to sleep over it. And of course, the following day when we decided to get the vehicle with the technology package (i.e., navigation system), they were really busy and were working on several deals when we got there. They were no longer willing to deal. So here is a real life lesson that sometimes, the deal is only good that day.
All that said, we are very pleased with our car and are happy that our little monkeys will have plenty of room in the back.

Now if we can only get it to fit in our garage without having to buy a new house...
I thought I would start a new series in our blog called the "Hidden Costs of Twins." This is our first installment.
So we tried fitting our infant car seats in our car to no avail. Seeing how we are having two, we needed to put the seats behind the driver and passenger seats rather than one in the middle. Unfortunately, the front seats had to be pushed up to the point where it would have been uncomfortable.
The solution? New car; a bigger car actually. After careful consideration, we decided on a compact SUV (Acura RDX to be exact - picture below). Not only is the new vehicle more expensive but it gets worse gas mileage.

On top of that, we lost out on a great deal where the dealer was willing to 'lose money' on the deal (by going below invoice). Apparently they were having a really slow day and wanted to get rid of some vehicles on their lot. They were virtually begging us to make a deal. Unfortunately, I'm a processor, I needed to sleep over it. And of course, the following day when we decided to get the vehicle with the technology package (i.e., navigation system), they were really busy and were working on several deals when we got there. They were no longer willing to deal. So here is a real life lesson that sometimes, the deal is only good that day.
All that said, we are very pleased with our car and are happy that our little monkeys will have plenty of room in the back.

Now if we can only get it to fit in our garage without having to buy a new house...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2008...Getting Ready
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I'm personally glad the holidays are over and I can get on with the organization of the nursery. It's one of those things that has been too overwhelming to deal with in the middle of everything the holidays brings. But no excuses now...so here is a short list of the remaining items I feel need to be done before the little ones make their arrival. Any input is welcomed...
-wash all bedding and clothes
-set up diaper changing stations
-catch up on sleep
-figure out how to use the most of the baby items we received
-install car seats (should be at the top)
-pack my bag for the hospital
-read up on breastfeeding and baby's first year books
-catch up on sleep
-Clean/organized kitchen to make room for baby items...
-watch baby videos
-input address for birth announcements
-create a feeding cart
-catch up on sleep and alone time with my husband
and the list goes on....
-wash all bedding and clothes
-set up diaper changing stations
-catch up on sleep
-figure out how to use the most of the baby items we received
-install car seats (should be at the top)
-pack my bag for the hospital
-read up on breastfeeding and baby's first year books
-catch up on sleep
-Clean/organized kitchen to make room for baby items...
-watch baby videos
-input address for birth announcements
-create a feeding cart
-catch up on sleep and alone time with my husband
and the list goes on....
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