We are still waiting for our backup drive to arrive but I did manage to get a video or two downloaded before we ran out of space. Here is one of Grandma Ko singing with Cameron. She is singing in Korean about a butterfly.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
We're back
We finally arrived home from our vacation with family. The kids did another great job on the flight back which is more than I can say for our airline...they lost all 5 pieces of our luggage. Yes, all our checked baggage is missing. I won't go into all the items we are missing that we need for the kids like bottles, swaddle blankets, and carseat bases. We keep washing the two bottles that we carried on the flight and trying to swaddle the kids in blankets that are clearly to small for them.
And as far as photos from our vacation...you will have to wait a bit longer. It seems we have used up all our space on the computer. We need to get an external hard drive, copy lots of photos/videos over and then we can download our new stuff.
I wish I had a better report for you all....it might take a few days before we are up and running smoothly. But we did have a wonderful, relaxing time with the Ko family. It was hard to leave.
And as far as photos from our vacation...you will have to wait a bit longer. It seems we have used up all our space on the computer. We need to get an external hard drive, copy lots of photos/videos over and then we can download our new stuff.
I wish I had a better report for you all....it might take a few days before we are up and running smoothly. But we did have a wonderful, relaxing time with the Ko family. It was hard to leave.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Just a quick post...
...to let everyone know we are having a great time on vacation. We have way too many pictures and video to download onto Young's work computer so we'll have to do a big picture post once we get home.
All the family adores the twins and have showered them with love and attention. They won't know what to do when we get back home and they just have their gym to play in! Keeping to their schedules has been a bit challenging but we fit naps in when we can. We hope they will be fluent in Korean by the time we leave...
There isn't a whole lot to do here in Toledo but we've made the most of it. Shopping, watching the History channel (we don't have cable at home), seeing family, and today we are going to the historic Fort Meigs...it's a battlefield from the War of 1812 or otherwise known as the French Indian War. They are having a battle recreation today and being the history buff that I am...I'm excited. Then we are headed down to Cincinnati tomorrow for Young's cousin's wedding.
We'll get some pictures up as soon as we get home and settled back in...
All the family adores the twins and have showered them with love and attention. They won't know what to do when we get back home and they just have their gym to play in! Keeping to their schedules has been a bit challenging but we fit naps in when we can. We hope they will be fluent in Korean by the time we leave...
There isn't a whole lot to do here in Toledo but we've made the most of it. Shopping, watching the History channel (we don't have cable at home), seeing family, and today we are going to the historic Fort Meigs...it's a battlefield from the War of 1812 or otherwise known as the French Indian War. They are having a battle recreation today and being the history buff that I am...I'm excited. Then we are headed down to Cincinnati tomorrow for Young's cousin's wedding.
We'll get some pictures up as soon as we get home and settled back in...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
We Arrived!
We survived the plane ride! The kids did great! We took all the advice we were given and had a smooth trip. It was a long day but seeing the grandparents at the end of it was worth it. Mom and Dad were so excited to see the kids, I don't think we've had a chance to hold them since we got here...
Here are some shots of our exciting plane ride and meeting the Grandparents. Cameron was VERY fussy once we got to the house so we couldn't get any good shots of her...surprise, surprise...

Here are some shots of our exciting plane ride and meeting the Grandparents. Cameron was VERY fussy once we got to the house so we couldn't get any good shots of her...surprise, surprise...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Geting Ready to Go
We are headed off to Ohio on Tuesday to see Young's family. His cousin is getting married so we thought it was a good opportunity to go see his whole family in one shot. And the kids are small enough, they should do fine on the plane. We are all excited about the trip but not excited about packing for it. Not only do I have to pack for Young and myself, but now I have two little babies to pack for. How do you pack an entire nursery in one suitcase!! I've gotten tons of advice from other mom's in the twins club about packing and air travel...here are a few tips.
-Dress your twins alike for the cuteness factor.
-Bring extra clothing for you and your babies...they might get motion sickness and puke all over you.
-Dress lightly b/c you will sweat every step of the way, from security check to running to make a connection or (heaven forbid) walking your screaming baby up and down the isle in the Baby Bjorn.
-Feed the babies or use a pacifier when taking off and landing so their ears will pop and not hurt.
-Beg to get a row with an empty seat so you can take a car seat on. It helps to have a place to put one baby while you and your husband pass the other back and forth.
-Take a changing pad...airplane bathrooms don't have changing tables.
-Bring candy/treats for the flight attendants and earplugs for your surrounding neighbors...most will think it's funny, but you never know.
-Remember it's a finite period of time and you will never see these people again
-Baby Benadryl
I'll try to do a few post while we are there but not sure what the internet connection will be like. If not I'll have a full update when we get home! Wish us luck!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Bumbo seats, YEA!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Cameron's Mohawk!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
It's Hot!
The temperature has been record breaking here in SF. It's been nearing 100 each day. I LOVE the hot weather and it give me a chance to let the kids hang out in their oneies. They have some cute ones but it's always too chilly here in SF to show them off. Here are some of our faves...

Timothy is whispering "mommy knows we hate tummy time, how long to we have to stay like this?!"
Timothy is whispering "mommy knows we hate tummy time, how long to we have to stay like this?!"
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sock Hands
If you noticed in the last picture, the big scratch on Cameron's face. She has started scratching herself when she cries. She wrings her hands, scratches them all up, and reaches for her face. This only really happens when she is really tired and won't fall asleep..she gets so worked up. I've tried to clip her nails but they just grow so fast! This is our solution...sock hands!
Monday, May 12, 2008
First Mother's Day
I had a wonderful 1st Mother's Day. It's very strange partaking in a holiday that has always been around but never applied to me. Many of my friends wished me a Happy Mother's Day and that seems odd. My children bought me a beautiful gift which I can't show pictures of yet b/c it's still at the store getting engraved. But I'll get photos up as soon as I get it. My day started with family time with the twins, off to church where I got a flower, lunch with our good friends the Busbees and then relaxing on the sofa with my husband watching a movie while the kids napped. It was a perfect day.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I got my own Boppy now!
Thin line
It's a very thin line between laughing and crying with these kids. They were laughing and giggling their little heads off so we grabbed the video camera...and just like that it turned to crying. Enjoy the few seconds of smiles...that's the way it goes around here.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
12 Weeks Old
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Ladies Man
Young has been traveling quite a bit over the past few weeks so I've employed the help of a few friends. It's nice to have an extra pair of hands for bath time and bedtime feedings. My friends Sharona and Annelies were great with the kids...especially with Timothy. He is becoming quite the ladies man. As you can see, he likes to make himself comfortable. Thanks to both you girls for putting up with the screaming, drooling and 2am feedings.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Bad Habits
I think I might be starting a bad habit with Timothy...you see, he wakes up super early every morning, usually around 6 or 6:30am. Cameron sleeps until their feeding time, 8am. I'm so tired from being up most of the night...I just get him and put him into bed with me. He used to occupy himself in his crib by looking at himself in the mirror. Then he started getting fussy so Young would bring him to me before he left for work. And for a a week or so he would talk to himself a while and then fall back asleep on the pillow next to me. But now he falls asleep as soon as he gets in the bed and I snuggle him close. I'm beginning to think he is waking up just to get into bed with me now. Is it wrong that I don't mind???
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sleep training: update
So we are a week into our sleep training and I can report progress! There was few days in there that I was questioning the whole method, but it's true...if you stick with the plan you will see success. We have the kids on a four hour feeding schedule now from 8am to 8pm. We have regular nap time down and a set bedtime. They kids are only waking up twice at night instead of three times and are sleeping longer stretches. Our next step is to cut out night time feedings and get them to sleep through the night. We've been keeping a log on how much they eat at each night time feeding...so we start by gradually cutting back 1/2oz for three nights and then cut another 1/2oz for three nights and so on until they no longer wake up for that feeding.
The hardest time is the 4pm to 8pm feeding. They aren't supposed to nap during that time. They get so sleepy and cranky around 6:30 or 7pm...so we've started walking with them at night to keep them awake and occupied until bath time at 7:30. We are getting good use of our Baby Borjoins (they would fall asleep in the stroller). Here is a shot of us heading out for our Saturday evening stroll...the kids are big enough to be turned around now, it's a whole new world for them!

The hardest time is the 4pm to 8pm feeding. They aren't supposed to nap during that time. They get so sleepy and cranky around 6:30 or 7pm...so we've started walking with them at night to keep them awake and occupied until bath time at 7:30. We are getting good use of our Baby Borjoins (they would fall asleep in the stroller). Here is a shot of us heading out for our Saturday evening stroll...the kids are big enough to be turned around now, it's a whole new world for them!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Milestone for Cameron
Not to be out done by her big brother, Cameron had a big milestone this morning...she lifted her head and held it up for a long time. Normally tummy time for her is very frustrating. She just lays there with her face in the blanket, either crying or falling asleep. But this morning I put her on her tummy and she held her head high. I took about 20 pictures but this is my favorite.
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