It's so much run watching the kids interact with each other. I think they really enjoy making each other laugh or at least can entertain one another. Here is a clip of them in their exersaucers making each other laugh, sorta. No mater which direction they start out in, they end up face to face just talking in their way. They were really cracking each other up yesterday and I grabbed the camera....of course they got distracted and calmed down a bit. (we got another exersaucer from a friend at church who used it for her babies...who are now 7 and 9 years old. You can see how far the toy has come in 9 years. Thanks Esther)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Little Surprise

The other night I was cleaning out the memory of my blackberry phone and came across a wonderful surprise. I found a bunch of pictures that Young had taken the day the twins were born. I was so out of it the first few days, I never knew he took any with my phone. So I emailed them to myself so I could save them. The resolution isn't that great on the big screen but they are still super cute!! Ah, the memories...I can't believe they were so small...
(Cameron is on the left, Timothy on the right)

Monday, July 28, 2008
Photo for Grandpa
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mommy Moment
I had a mommy moment last night with Timothy. He was overly tired when I put him to bed which means he has a really hard time falling asleep. Normally we'll just put him to bed and he'll go to sleep himself but he missed his afternoon nap and was so tired. After crying a while, I was trying to calm him down, walking him around, bouncing, all my usual bag of tricks and nothing was working. So I decided to just sit and rock him a while. He calmed down and I started to sing to him...he fell right to sleep. If any of you know, I can't carry a tune to save my life, extremely tone deaf. But to my son, it was calming and soothing...just what he needed to hear.
I realized as I was rocking him how big he is now. He used to fit just in the crook of my he stretches all the way across my body and pass the arm of the rocking chair. I just sat there rocking him for a good 30mins after he was asleep, not wanting to put him down...
I realized as I was rocking him how big he is now. He used to fit just in the crook of my he stretches all the way across my body and pass the arm of the rocking chair. I just sat there rocking him for a good 30mins after he was asleep, not wanting to put him down...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Festival of Sail
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Goofy Girl
Young was getting Cameron ready for her bath last night, goofing around with her and shot this cute video...she is just talking away...telling her daddy all about her day.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Tim-O-Tee has officially rolled over. Saturday night he was being very cranky, laying on his back, having a fit...then he was over on his belly. He just kinda stopped fussing and looked around like "what just happened?" I flipped him back on his back, he got fussy again, let out a scream and was over again. I decided to put him out of his misery and picked him up. We tried again yesterday and only got one roll...but he's getting there!
by the way...Cameron is showing no interest in going anywhere...
by the way...Cameron is showing no interest in going anywhere...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Extra Pair of Hands
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
New Toy!!
Another one of my impressive purchases for $25 at our twins club consignment sale this Exersaucer! We had to clear enough space in the living room for it...this toy is huge. The kids love it. We only have one, so they have to share it...15min each before they have to switch. I took these pictures but couldn't get Timothy to look up from all his activities. There is so much for them...lights, sounds, rattles, objects to pick up, things that move and spin. And the seat turns around so they can get to it all . Timothy's feet can touch the bottom but Cameron is still kinda floating in the seat so I spin her around.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Picture Perfect
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Fashion Statement
Here are the kids hangin' out in their new clothes...Timothy is looking especially Asian in the little jumper.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
We Got New Wheels
Like I said before, this was a gift from my friend Mary Beth. She and I met a few years ago when she came to SF to show her apple pies at the Fancy Food Show. She is a wife and mother of three teenagers, has a full-time job and decided to start an apple pie business. Crazy woman! Her business has really taken off since we first met. Here is her website if you wanna check out her goods. She was one of the first people I told I was pregnant with twins and she has been so supportive and enthusiastic ever since. We told her our list of possible baby names and she was calling them Timothy and Cameron before we even decided. Thanks Mary Beth!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Lovin' North Carolina
The Cameron Family
The main reason we went to North Carolina was to see my (Sara's) family, The Camerons (Cameron's namesake). Even though my parents travel all round now, they still come back to NC for the summer to take care of my brother's little girls...the grandkids. So it was a perfect opportunity to see everyone at once. Here are few pictures of my family hanging out with the twins. The first one is of my mom and me and one of my brother, Kevin, and my niece Kaylee. Then we have my other niece Kenzie with Cameron and one group picture of my brother's family and mine. I think Kenzie and Kaylee enjoyed meeting their cousins...and the twins got to meet their Uncle Kevin and Aunt Angie.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Good Friends
We had a nice relaxing July 4th weekend. Young and I stayed home and just vegged for the whole weekend...recovering from our trip and his work travel. We did dress the kids in their July 4th outfits my mom sent them, but it's was a cool, foggy 55 degrees here so I had to add some layers to them. (It's so hard to get them smiling...they are all smiles until they see the camera...then they are mesmerized)
Since I don't really have any stories of our holiday I'll post some more pictures of our trip.
After breakfast we headed down to Wilmington to see my BFF Lisa Yemma. Lisa and I have known each other since the 7th grade, she made me laugh and the rest was history. We too ran track together and were on the same 400m relay team that broke the school record, ha! She has visited me wherever I have moved and I've done the same with her. She even put a dress on to be one of my bridesmaids!! She is a science teacher and has lived in Denver for the longest time but now is headed to Burma to teach for two years. Wow! This was my last chance to see her before she left. Since she is spending the summer at her parents house in Wilmington we drove down to hang out for the day. I was impressed by how great she was with the kids considering how she feels about babies.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Grandma Cameron's house
The Saturday we were on vacation we went to Grandma Cameron's house for a heapin' of chicken n dumplin's. Grandma is 84 years old and still going strong. She cooked a huge meal for about 15 people. We had collards, corn, okra, back eyed peas, corn bread, sweet tea, blueberry cobbler, peach cake, and more. Grandma was so excited to see the twins and was full of advice for me on how to feed, sleep, play with if nothing has changed since she raised my dad. She thought swaddling them was the craziest thing she had ever seen. Babies need to be free to move their arms and legs! Don't hold their bottles for them, prop them up so they learn to hold them...and I won't even go into the concoction she told me I should be feeding them. Too funny. But we had a great visit and Grandma enjoyed having all her great grand children with her(picture above).
I also got her recipe for chicken and dumplings...a sifter full of AP flour, handful of self rising flour, enough chicken liquid to mix, roll and drop in liquid, stir. Use only fresh chicken...frozen chicken will give you brown on the bone meat! Ah, I love my Grandma.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Green Level
Green Level is the small community I grew up in in North Carolina. We don't have a zip code, just a couple of roads leading up to our church on the hill. When I was growing up there wasn't much out our way except lots of tree and tobacco fields. Gone are the tobacco fields, they have been replaced by new roads, housing developments and strip malls. Growing up we had to drive 20mins to get the nearest grocery store, now there is one 60sec. away. How times have changed. But nevertheless, most of our neighbors still live in Green Level and I always come back to visit. They say it takes a village to raise a child...Green Level raised me.
Our next door neighbors, Judy & Roy, threw a little cookout for us so everyone could meet the twins. It was so great to see everyone! We have two sets of twins and one set of triplets in Green Level, one set of boys in their 20s, one boy/girl set that are 7years old and the triplets are about 4years old. It was fun to swap stories with the other multiple moms and know it gets easier. Timothy and Cameron were great troopers being passed all around. The funny thing was everyone there reads our blog so I didn't really have to update's like they already knew the twins and were excited to meet them in person.

extra hands to help out with feedings....thanks Brenda and Darlene

how many people does it take to put two babies in car seats??

Shannon and Wendy are like my sisters and Lee a little brother, we all grew up together. Here we all are with our kids (except Lee, he just got married). Shannon (holding Cameron) has twins, Caroline and Joseph (far right), Wendy has Natalie (middle, pink dress). The other picture is of the house I grew up in. Wendy and her husband bought it from my parents but will soon be moving because of a freeway loop coming through. I wanted to get a picture before it is no more...
Our next door neighbors, Judy & Roy, threw a little cookout for us so everyone could meet the twins. It was so great to see everyone! We have two sets of twins and one set of triplets in Green Level, one set of boys in their 20s, one boy/girl set that are 7years old and the triplets are about 4years old. It was fun to swap stories with the other multiple moms and know it gets easier. Timothy and Cameron were great troopers being passed all around. The funny thing was everyone there reads our blog so I didn't really have to update's like they already knew the twins and were excited to meet them in person.
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