Sorry the 7 month update is a little late...but I didn't want to skip it because the twins are changing so much. They are so much fun right now!! I don't even really feel like a "mom", I feel more like a babysitter. We just play all day. Cameron has really come into her laugh now and it's great to see them interact with each other. Sometimes I'll hear them laughing and look over and see them cracking each other up. They light up when we walk in the room which is such an amazing feeling!
I can also see the kids beginning to get exited over certain things that are repeated everyday...Cameron has her favorite books...she gets excited when I pull them out and Timothy has his favorite toys, the rectangle and stacking rings.
But the most exciting change, at least for me as a mom, is the kids reach out for me now. As in they raise their arms when I come to pick them up, Timothy grabs my face and smashes his face against my cheek to kiss me or if I'm sitting on the floor with them they will sorta reach out and lean (fall) toward me to try and get in my lap. Ugh, I could eat them with a spoon!!
Here are a few other highlights:
Timothy has fallen in love with his Jumperoo.
Cameron loves music and singing. Young sings to her and she just lights up and even tried to sing along.
They now get excited when they see their car seats or stroller (Timothy even arches his back when he hears us unbuckle his seat...they are so smart!)
Cameron is staying in the nursery without Mommy. Yeah!
Timothy is still pretty sensitive to loud noises. He hates the vacuum cleaner, fire trucks and Cameron testing the rage of her voice in high pitch...that always brings tears
Cameron loves to be tossed around around by Daddy...she's a little dare devil.
We all survived the kids first cold.
They are eating more and more foods...veggies, fruit, chicken, beans and cottage cheese.
Cameron is rolling over from front to back...zero tummy time!
Timothy is learning how to scoot around on his tummy...he'll be crawling soon, better start the baby proofing...