Sunday, May 31, 2009
More Seats to Sit In
My parents are coming this week for a visit so I'm cleaning out the spare bed room for them. We tend to pile up things the kids have out grown in there then make one run every other month down to storage. As I gathered everything by the door to take out, the kids grabbed their little bath seats and started playing with them...sitting in them. I had to keep them out for a few days before they got board with them again.

Saturday mornings we let the kids watch their Praise Baby video...perfect seats for it. And Cameron catching up on her reading in her reading chair.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wrap Up
Just wrapping up the last of our Monterey photos...

Cameron trying to get the noodles in and Timothy perfecting his ketchup dipping skills.

They did really well in the restaurants and got a little dessert for being so good. They both picked off the chocolate and ate the strawberry...who's kids are these???

Timo checking out the driver's seat with daddy...and the stairs at the hotel we a source of great entertainment for the kiddies...and good exercise for mommy!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Peek A Boo!
This is one of Cameron's favorite games....Peek a boo! (or P Boo as she says) She is always ducking behind something or covering her face, trying to lure you into her little game. Here she is in the car down in Monterey as I kept looking back at her...sorry if the video is a little bumpy...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
My Museum
I loved this little museum....a hands on place just for the little kiddies! It's called the My Museum and I found it online while searching for activities for kids...and it was just a few blocks from our hotel. We took the kids the morning before we headed back so they would be good and tired...sleeping all the way home. And of course the kids had so much fun running from one activity to another, finding all sorts of wheels to turn, objects to hold and things to climb on and up. There were several different themed rooms...The Farm, The Beach, The hospital, The Doll House...each room having so many way for the kids to interact and learn. Cameron especially like the Tree House, doll house and tea party. Anything that had a little chair for her to sit in. Timo like the Farm and the Beach...and anything that had a wheel to turn...
This tree house had little mechanical birds that Cameron loved to watch...and here she is at her own little tea party.

Anything with a wheel to took a lot to get him out of this boat.

Daddy looking a little scared to have two 15mo olds driving the fire truck! And Cameron brushing up on her gardening skill, picking carrots.
The kids loved this little two seat set in the tree house...wonder where you can get one of these??
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Beach Time
Cameron was a little hesitant of the feels different than the sand in the sandbox at the park. Beach sand is kinda wet and sticks to your fingers. She didn't really like it stuck all in her hands. But she had a blast pointing at object at the beach...dogs, birds, people, balls, etc..
Once Timo got over the view, he got right to playing in the sand, filled his buckets, dumped them out, filled them, dumped the out...over and over. He got sand all in his hair, face, clothes...everywhere. Daddy took him down to the water and he got very upset when he couldn't get in. Next time when it's a little warmer buddy.
Once we got back to the car we had to strip Timothy down before getting in his seat! I think he had a really good time at the beach!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dennis the Menace Park
In the heart of Monterey and luckily, just a few blocks from our hotel, is this amazing park called the Dennis the Menace Park. It's a huge park for kids with sand all around, huge slides, swinging bridges and tons of climbing structures. There was a nice little gated park for the little ones which is where we hung out most of the time.
Timo used to be scared of slides but now he loves them. He spent most of his time climbing up and sliding down, climbing up and sliding down...and Cameron spent the bulk of her time sitting at the bottom of the slide and swinging.

He went down the spiral slide by himself and hit the big kids slide with Daddy.

Timo also just wandered all around. Daddy trailed him but let him walk wherever he wanted while I stayed with Cameron at the swings. At one point I looked around to find Timo walking over the swinging bridge! What a big, brave boy he is becoming.
Just walking around, trying to decide what to do next...
Timo used to be scared of slides but now he loves them. He spent most of his time climbing up and sliding down, climbing up and sliding down...and Cameron spent the bulk of her time sitting at the bottom of the slide and swinging.
Timo also just wandered all around. Daddy trailed him but let him walk wherever he wanted while I stayed with Cameron at the swings. At one point I looked around to find Timo walking over the swinging bridge! What a big, brave boy he is becoming.
Just walking around, trying to decide what to do next...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Trip to Monterey
We decided to take a little vacation over Memorial Day weekend. I though a change of scenery would be good for the twins and give us a chance to see what it's like to travel with them at this age. The last time we really traveled with them was when they were 6mo old and not really mobile. It was a whole different story this time! I first have to say what a change in type of vacation we have now. Gone are the days of wine tastings, eating at nice restaurants and enjoying cable in the hotel rooms (we don't have cable at home.) Vacations will now are now "family friendly", woo hoo! So we hit the local parks, museums, family friendly restaurants and TV consisted of a cartoon or two and off by the kids 7pm bedtime.
All in all it was a relaxing and very fun vacation. I think the kids had a blast and we had fun just watching them have fun. I did some research on fun stuff for kids before we left so I had a good idea of how to plan our day around activities and the kid's naps. We also ordered room service for breakfast each morning so we wouldn't have to rush around getting ready to go get the kids some breakfast. (in the old days we probably would just skip breakfast altogether.)
As you can imagine, we took tons of pictures and videos. I'll post them over the next few days with the various activities. These are just a few of the kids in the hotel room. They LOVED the hotel room. The just walked/ran back and forth exploring each corner, nook and cranny of the room. I got them a few new toys as well as some of their favorite toys to play with to help keep them occupied but they didn't really need them. The room provided enough entertainment. Who would have thought the shampoo bottles and bar of soap in a box could be so much fun?? They had the most fun running their cars over the bathroom floor and tub.

The hardest part was sleeping at night. The hotel had portable cribs, which were basically pack-n-plays. I brought all their stuffed animals and blankets but I think the fact that we were right there next to them was just too tempting. We have never really slept with the kids in our bed so it wasn't the most comfortable for any of us. But luckily we had a king size bed so we all had room to sleep. The second night was better...but they were still in our bed by 5:30am. Oh well, we're on vacation! One good thing was the heavy black-out curtains in the room kept the room super dark so the kids slept in pretty late.
I was trying to slip out of bed while Young was taking this picture...
And let's not forget how fun bath time was in a new tub...who needs bath toys when you have paper cups and new shiny fixtures to play with!
All in all it was a relaxing and very fun vacation. I think the kids had a blast and we had fun just watching them have fun. I did some research on fun stuff for kids before we left so I had a good idea of how to plan our day around activities and the kid's naps. We also ordered room service for breakfast each morning so we wouldn't have to rush around getting ready to go get the kids some breakfast. (in the old days we probably would just skip breakfast altogether.)
As you can imagine, we took tons of pictures and videos. I'll post them over the next few days with the various activities. These are just a few of the kids in the hotel room. They LOVED the hotel room. The just walked/ran back and forth exploring each corner, nook and cranny of the room. I got them a few new toys as well as some of their favorite toys to play with to help keep them occupied but they didn't really need them. The room provided enough entertainment. Who would have thought the shampoo bottles and bar of soap in a box could be so much fun?? They had the most fun running their cars over the bathroom floor and tub.
The hardest part was sleeping at night. The hotel had portable cribs, which were basically pack-n-plays. I brought all their stuffed animals and blankets but I think the fact that we were right there next to them was just too tempting. We have never really slept with the kids in our bed so it wasn't the most comfortable for any of us. But luckily we had a king size bed so we all had room to sleep. The second night was better...but they were still in our bed by 5:30am. Oh well, we're on vacation! One good thing was the heavy black-out curtains in the room kept the room super dark so the kids slept in pretty late.
And let's not forget how fun bath time was in a new tub...who needs bath toys when you have paper cups and new shiny fixtures to play with!
Friday, May 22, 2009
More Teeth for Cameron...Ugh!
Poor Cameron has her 4 top teeth coming in all at once! You can see four little white peeks coming through her gums. We are on a pain management schedule with her...trying to stay ahead with Tylenol or teething tablets to help make her comfortable. She doesn't handle pain very well (but who does??) and it almost seems like she is throwing a temper tantrum...but we know it's the teeth. It's funny because Timo just get really sad and cries when he is in pain, but Cameron almost seems mad and angry. She hasn't really had an apetite for the past day or so either. She woke up last night just screaming and the only thing that calmed her down were two big, fat, juicy strawberries. She just gnawed and sucked on them for about 3omins...I think the cold felt good on her gums. Poor baby girl. Hopefully the teeth will push on through soon!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Sit-in Protest!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My Blanket
Cameron has become very attached to one of her blankets. It seemed to happen morning she wouldn't let go of it when we got her out of her crib. If we took it away from her before she was ready she wasn't very happy. So we just started letting her carry the blanket around because she seemed so happy holding it. And before I caught on that it was a real attachment to that particular blanket...I washed it one day when it was time for a nap. She would not settle down and no other blanket would pacify her.
So of course my first thought was I need to rush out and try to find another blanket juts like that one so we have a back up...didn't want a repeat performance of that scene. I searched high and low for this Carter's blanket and finally found one at an outlet store (guess it was last year's design). Now it goes everywhere with us...she is so happy with her blanket. I wonder if she will give it a name...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Timothy's New Skill
Timo loves the shape sorter toy...he will play forever trying to put the shapes in the right hole and gets so frustrated when they don't fit. He can now put two shapes in and it working on a third as of this morning. Way to go Timo!!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Go Giants!
We took the kids to their first baseball game today..or at lease 4 innings of a ball game. Being a big sports fan, I was so excited to take them and get them acquainted with cheering on the home team. And I can't wait to take them about 3 more years!! Maybe when they can understand "hold mommy's hand" and "time to sit down". We had moments of enjoyment coupled with moments of complete frustration and fear. There were so many people there, a sell out crowd, and all the kids wanted to do is walk/wonder around in their own little world.
We knew the game was sold out so we got there early...wanting to miss the crowds and check out stroller at guest services. We found our seats, let the kids walk the isles a little and then took them over to the Coke Bottle play ground to play around. There was the greats Tot's Field that was a tiny b-ball field for the little ones to hit the ball and run the bases. Of course our kids just chased after everyone's ball. Once our friends got there, Liz and Salvador, it was time to go back to our seats and watch the game. The kids were not happy with that!! Timo screamed the whole way back as we carried him. Everyone was turning and looking at us...nice! Oh and I should mention it was about 90 in SF in today too, making a hot situation even hotter!
The kids calmed down once we got to our seats and they got some water (it was hot!)and snacks (I brought strawberries for them) It was so crowed, we couldn't put the kids down anywhere to walk around. Liz was kind enough to get us a hot dog, we were starving! At about inning 4, Timo started to get restless again. We occupied him with Liz's cell phone for a bit but Cameron was getting cranky as well. Time to go! The kids were so pooped they fell asleep in the stroller on the way back to the car.
I can't wait until they are just a little older and we can give it another try
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