I am SO behind in my blogging! First it was because Young's parents were in town and babysitting so I could go out every day for some down time...and now that they are gone, Young is traveling every week and I'm alone with the kids again, trying to get back into a routine. Excuses, excuses, I know...but I'm gonna try my best to finish up Grandma and Grandpa Ko's visit this week.
Two weekend ago we all went on a cruise around the Bay. I've lived here for over 15 years now and have never done the Bay cruise. I subscribe to the amazing
Groupons and they recently had bay cruises half off...so I purchased a few in anticipation of our visitors. We woke up that morning to fog but decided to head out anyway and ended up having amazing weather.

We had just had some snacks before we got on the ship but the kids quickly became bored with the boat ride (I think because we would let them run all over the ship and stand in the seats)and I ended up with them downstairs eating more snacks...looking at the view from the inside...

As we boarded the ship, the fog was pulling out. By the time we got to the Golden Gate Bridge, the fog was almost gone but enough for us to get some beautiful shots.

I thought I was going to be cold and windy out there so I made everyone bundle up...but I was fooled by SF weather again! We were so hot! As warm as it was, Cameron refused to take her hat off the whole time...because her hair was "moving" in the wind! Gotta love the temperament of a 2 year old!!

We sailed around the city, checking out the skyline views and Alcatraz...The Rock!

After snacks...the kids found looking out the big rope holes to be the most entertaining...

It's so nice to have visitors in town so we get to do the tourist thing...so many things we don't partake of as residents. The cruise was so much fun and I'm glad it was Young's parents we shared it with!