I was going to try and only post Halloween related posts this whole week but then a little thing like the World Series came to San Francisco and I just have to put up pictures. We are so fortunate have have a good friend, Bobby Evans, that works for the Giants and were able to get tickets to Game 1! My birthday is next week so it was an early birthday present!! As a major sports fan, I was excited beyond what words could describe. It was such an amazing evening, full of surprises and excitement! I took tons of pictures and videos...so get ready for a play by play of the evening (and a long post).
We were able to ride over with Young's boss, who is a season ticket holder and has a parking permit...amazing thing #1, we were able to park right next to the ball park and not worry about traffic! There was such excitement in the air walking over the McCovy Cove bridge and seeing the stadium all a buzz with sights, sounds and smells. McCovy cove was already filling up with boats and kayaks just trying to be a part of it.

The outside was a mob of black and orange. I've never been in such a crowed small area before. I have friend who owns the restaurant attached to the stadium and she was standing out front trying to keep the crowd under control at her place. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned, smiled and said, "OK, you can come in...just one?" I yelled back, "no, I have my husband." She looked at her bouncer and said "OK, let these two in." Just like that, we were in her restaurant and had a private entrance to the stadium...amazing thing #2. It was so great to just walk in the stadium and not get caught in this...

We enjoyed a drink sitting at a little table on her patio, enjoying people watching and trying to soak in the moment. We then headed up the ramp and to our seats...amazing thing #3, amazing seats!

They announced the players of each team and then got ready for the National Anthem, which was sung by John Legend. Such a beautiful, emotional moment...the tug boats spaying water and just as he finished there was a fly over and fireworks!

Opening Game 1, World Series from Sara ko on Vimeo.
The game started out a little rough...Tim Lincecum was the opening pitcher for the Giant's and I think he was having stage fright. The Rangers scored in the first two innings and Lincecum made a few mistakes...the team had a little pow-wow with him on the mound...

After the first inning, for some reason, Tony Bennett sang "I Left My Heart in San Francisco"...odd but very cool!
Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.
We were so excited to be there. Like one of my friends said...most cities know when a big event is coming to their town months/years ahead, like the super bowl, world cup or US Open. But with the World Series, you have about 4 days to prepare and the excitement is just indescribable. How many people get to live in a city that has a team playing in the World Series and then actually be able to go to the game?? We are beyond thankful to be a part of this little nugget of history!

Then the game got really exciting...the Giants bounced back and seem to always have a runner on base. We took the lead and eventually blew the Rangers away. Here are a few shots of the action...

Untitled from Sara ko on Vimeo.
The jumbotron has the score at the bottom...it's not the final, I forgot to take a picture of the final score, but this is when we really started to pull away at the end of the 5th inning.

It was a sold out crowd...wonder who that one person was that put it over...

The last inning was a little tense but closer Brian Wilson finished it up! Fear The Beard! Here is the last pitch from him and the team rushing the field. Check out the first picture...to the far left, every Giant's player is standing at the dugout and at the bottom you can see every Ranger player standing in their dugout...tense!

Game over and Giant's win 11-7! Fireworks!!

But that's not the end of our night...I had sent a text to our friend Bobby in the middle of the game just to say thank you for 1000th time and he text me back saying he had two passes to the after party for us...WHAT?!! An after party??!! Amazing thing #4! So we met him and his family after the game and we all walked over to an abandoned warehouse which was decorated to the nines for a huge party. (Thank goodness the Giant's won!) The party was put on by the MLB so it was Giant's and Ranger team/fans all together...needless to say, the folks wearing blue and red weren't celebrating as much...

Here we are with Bobby...can't say thank you enough. And our little VIP table with the Evans family and friends. What an amazing game and what an amazing evening!