Since we had just gotten back from our vacation, New Year's Eve was very mellow for the Ko clan. Our friends, the Busbees, were having a small get together so we trotted over to their house for a little food, fun and fellowship. It was the kids first New Year's Eve party, so dressed them up nice!

We had all the good NYE fixin's..fried chicken, hoppin John, Columbian beef...and of course, chips and dip!

The kids had lots of distractions like the little doggie, Anzus. Which gave me time to catch up with the ladies in the kitchen.

But the highlight of the evening was the dancing! Claudia taught Timo how to dance with Cameron and they looked so cute. They were moving so fast I couldn't get the video switched on the camera in time...but here are a few pictures I snapped, albeit slightly blurry.

One of Timo's best buddies was there, Rolando Vega. Rolando has a side job of being a clown, Rolo the Clown, so he as a very special way with kids. He is always playing rough with Timo at church and outside gatherings. This night was no different. Rolando was so great with Timo and Cameron...he had them in stitches most of the evening. I love these pictures!

It's sad to say, but we didn't make it to midnight...not even 10pm! The kids didn't nap that day and were getting a little cranky, so we thought it best to leave and not ruin the party for everyone else. But it was difficult to get the kids to leave without drama. We finally got out the door and to the car but Cameron refused to get in her seat...more drama. We got Timo in but as a ploy to get Cameron in, Young told her we were going to leave without her (we do this often to get them motivated to get dressed/shoes/jackets on...we say bye, bye, act like we're leaving and they will run to get ready and out the door they go) Of course hearing that, she was eager to get in the car and not get left behind. But the sad part was, when I opened the car door to put her in, Timo was crying his little eyes out. I asked him what was wrong and he screamed, through his little tear, "don't leave my sister behind!" So sad to hear him crying so much, but so sweet to hear him protecting his sister like that.
After all that drama, we got home and put the kids straight to bes...they were out in 5 mins. Exausted, Young and I settled on the sofa to ring in the new year relaxing together...a little too relaxed..we both fell asleep before 11pm...ah, parenthood! We wouldn't have it any other way. Happy New Year!