Last Saturday, believe or not, we didn't have any plans so we decided to take the kids up to Sonoma to Traintown. It's this great little amusment park, consisting of about 6 kiddie rides, a train and a few animals in a petting zoo. Just big enough for a half day retreat out of the city...perfect for the kiddies!

Of course there was a train but it was one of the best train rides we've been on. The track was long and made a little 10min stop in the woods at a cute little petting farm and miniutre little town. The kids were a little scared of the animals because they rush you as soon as you reach the fence (hoping for food from the little vending machines) so we explored the little town.

After the train we made our rounds on all the other rides. Of course we had to take a spin on the Merry Go Round. Timo picked his usual chair to sit in as he doesn't like the to sit on the horses. And Cameron made sure she walked all the way around before picking out just the right horsey for her.

The big surprise came when, half way through, Timo decided he wanted to sit on a horse! I think because he saw an older little boy on a horse. But it was short lived...he wanted off almost immediately...

I was so happy to see that the kids are now tall enough to ride some of the rides by themselves. They were so excited to ride the little airplanes together, without mommy and daddy. As we were leaving for the day, we realized we had a few extra ride tickets and this was the one ride they wanted to do again. Timo even figured out how to pull the handle and make the airplane go high the second time around.

They both wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel but the closer we got, the more Cameron decided against it (I think it was my own fear rubbing off on her...I'm terrified of ferris wheel). But that didn't stop Timo! He walked right up with his daddy and climbed in. Each time they came around he had the biggest smile on his face...what a big boy!

When we rode the train, the kids saw the roller coaster in the back half of the park and kept asking to ride that. I wasn't so sure, even though it was a kiddie one. We measured them and they were tall enough...

So we grabbed a seat in the Dragon and the kids were super excited.

Let's just say we rode it but won't be riding anymore in the near future. "Mommy, that was too fast and too bumpy" were Cameron's words. Oh well, we recovered. Afterwards we took some time for a snack and explore the rest of the park. Really cool miniture trains!

Checking out the real box cars and caboose and various cars they had all around "town".

Timo had passed by a gum ball machine all day and kept asking for one (he thought they were balls) so we told him if he was a good boy when it was time to go then he could have one. We always have trouble getting Timo to leave a good time. We're generally "those people" carrying out a screaming child, so I'm always on the lookout for things that will give us an easy escape! Bingo!

I packed a lunch to have a picnic in the park just up the street but it was getting pretty windy outside so it was quick. The kids were so tired anyway and fell fast asleep before we got back on the freeway...a sign of a good time had by all!