I realized that I posted all this excitement over Timo and Cameron starting school but haven't really followed up with how it's been going. In one word "AWESOME!" We just had our first parent/teacher conference last Friday so now I have some tangible things to say instead of what I think is going on.
It was a little more difficult on Timo saying "good-bye" in the mornings the first week but thankfully, now he just runs right in. I guess the promise of a popsicle after school if he was a big boy didn't hurt either. Cameron...she never really had a problem say good-bye :( NO really, I'm happy that she loves it so much...really, I am...

What I do LOVE is hearing them scream "Mommy!!" when I come to pick them up in the afternoons. I, by far, have the most enthusiastic kids in the class when it comes to pick up time :)
This is their class room...the Chinese class. They spend 1/2 the day in Chinese class and 1/2 the day in English class.

Snack time corner...they can help themselves to a light snack at snack time...and encouraged to use chop sticks to eat with.

The ever exciting potty! This is the most exciting feature, according to the kids, at the school. Everything is little and just their size. Cameron actually will hold her pee-pee in the mornings now until we get the school...it's the first thing she does as soon as we get there. And Timo loves the automatic soap dispenser.

This is some art work from the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. Timo's moon cake and Cameron's flower garden.

In their English class they are learning about outer space right now. This is the art wall with the kids drawings on it. The teacher really liked Cameron's. She drew an astronaut, the space ship and the moon...I think it's pretty good too! (Timo's is the one to the lower right of the sign...the one with all the shooting stars and planets)

While Cameron tends to be more artistic, Timo is the most outgoing. After our teacher conferences, both teachers confirmed Timo and Cameron are pretty much the same at school as they are at home. They both said Timo plays with the other children well, tends to engage in conversations and seek out others to play with and
always has to have the right answer. Cameron doesn't have a problem working by herself, she is little more reserved when it comes to making friends and loves to sing...a lot. Yup, that pretty much sums up my two monkeys! The good news is, while they both were joined at the hip the first week, even having to go to the potty together, they are now working/playing more independent of each other. They still eat together and nap next to each other but that's about it. Yeah for school!! More updates to follow...