This month we headed down to Home Depot for the Kids Workshop to make a Valentine Keepsake Box. We were
especially excited because our friend Lucia was with us all day. Her parents were moving into a new place that day and we took Lucia to give them a "child free" moving day.
Yay for friends!

The children glued, painted, hammered and
stickered their projects all together, each having their own little style and flare!

Here are our three little carpenters!

And of course, a well deserved stop right next door at
Krispy Kreme!

One last look before we leave, "

The weather was so nice that day, we came home and headed straight to the park. Lucia brought her trike with her so all the kids had fun "trading" bikes for a while. We kinda skipped the tricycles for the twins but
Timo took it like an old pro!

I love the positive influence an almost 5 year old has on Cameron...she has always been to scared to climb to the top of this structure, but after seeing Lucia do it, she climbed and climbed till she reached the top!
Yay for facing your fears Cameron!!

A few swings on the rings and then it was time for Lucia to go home...she was so excited to sleep in her new bigger bedroom!