Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sick Pics

Here are just a few pictures of all the sickness we had a few weeks ago. I think I said before, we had two cases of bronchitis and two ear infections. I'm so thankful Young's parents were here to help out! Harmony stayed on top of making sure the kids got lots of fluids...yummy homemade apple/ginger tea! (Timo enjoyed it more than this pic shows)
One the first of four doc visits, our pediatrician thought Timo might have pneumonia and set him to the hospital for a chest x-ray. He was such a good boy, even though he felt so bad, and stood very still. I think the promise of seeing his "bones" was the perfect incentive!
Cameron held up long enough make it to the doctor and pharmacy for her ear infection medication but passed out in the short 5 min ride home.
Little sick ones need lots of sleep...poor Cameron tried to fight sleep but just couldn't last one afternoon. We had been reading some books and I got up to get her a snack and more juice. This is what I found when I came back...
And even though it breaks my heart when my children are sick, I absolutely LOVE holding them while they's pretty much the only time they will sleep in my arms.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kids Workshop

This month we headed down to Home Depot for the Kids Workshop to make a Valentine Keepsake Box. We were especially excited because our friend Lucia was with us all day. Her parents were moving into a new place that day and we took Lucia to give them a "child free" moving day. Yay for friends!
The children glued, painted, hammered and stickered their projects all together, each having their own little style and flare!

Here are our three little carpenters!

And of course, a well deserved stop right next door at Krispy Kreme!

One last look before we leave, "pweese!"
The weather was so nice that day, we came home and headed straight to the park. Lucia brought her trike with her so all the kids had fun "trading" bikes for a while. We kinda skipped the tricycles for the twins but Timo took it like an old pro!

I love the positive influence an almost 5 year old has on Cameron...she has always been to scared to climb to the top of this structure, but after seeing Lucia do it, she climbed and climbed till she reached the top! Yay for facing your fears Cameron!!
A few swings on the rings and then it was time for Lucia to go home...she was so excited to sleep in her new bigger bedroom!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Valentine/Birthday Cookies

At the children's school, birthdays can be celebrated the last 15 mins of class. The parents bring in some sort of snack for the whole class and everyone gets to enjoy the birthday before going home. So I had scheduled with their teacher the week before to bring in Valentine cookies for the class to celebrate Timo and Cameron's birthday (heart cookies since it was Valentine's Day as well). Well, since we didn't make it to school on their birthday, we postponed the party till they were feeling better. The problem was, we had already made the heart cookies the night before...

We had the cookies all packed up and ready to go on their birthday but then I got a call from the school that morning saying Timo was running a fever and crying with ear pain. Oh boy! Someone was not a happy camper when we got back home from the doctors.
Fast forward a few day later, everyone is feeling better, cookies are still good and we finally have our little classroom celebration! Timo and Cameron got to pass the cookies out to their friends and enjoy hearing them all sing Happy Birthday in Chinese! Yay!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Birthday Presents!

Since we spent a good part of the twins birthday at the doctor, opening presents happened in the evening after dinner and cupcakes! I cook the children's favorite food for supper and they got to use their chopsticks like Harmony and Hadabachi. And since I was running a 101 fever myself, I skipped the homemade cupcakes and used a box mix...don't judge...the kids did't know the difference.

Then it was time for presents! Timo starts Teeball in a few weeks so we got him a big boy bat, bases and a new glove!

Cameron got a big Bullseye and a new Tinkerbell DVD...her favorite characters right now.

And then they got a race track together! Cameron has been asking for one for a while now but I knew Timo would take it over if she got they got one with two cars to share!

The track is really's called "shake and go". You shake the cars to make them go. No controls needed! And the cars run on and off the you can see in the second video.

Harmony and Hadabachi gave the children more trains (always a hit) and umbrellas!! Now we are set to walk in the rain!

Then came cards from Granny and Grandpa and Great Grandma Cameron which has "ticket money" in them!! Ohhhh, Timo's eyes lit up with he saw his ticket money!

We managed to finish up our birthday on a high note...cupcakes and presents have a way of doing that! Happy Birthday my two big 4 year olds! (I promise to get your 4 year letters done soon!)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Purple Lip Gloss

We recently attended the birthday party of a friend of ours, Anjali Evans. She was born one week before the twins! Luckily her party was just before all the sickness so we were able to go to the party at Pump It Up and have some fun! I didn't take any pictures because it's been my experience at Pump It Up, the kids are running, bouncing, sliding at 100mph, all my pics come out blurry! This was the only shot I took that turned out...Timo at batting practice.

All the children got a great goodie bag as they left that was carefully packed for a boy or girl. Upon examining her bag, Cameron spotted some purple lip gloss! Oh my, what have we created by giving her colored lip gloss?? She was all over her new found love, applying it over and over and over again...check her out!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

4 Year Doctor Visit

This is the doctor visit that started all the sickness. We were all perfectly healthy the day of our annual check up...but then a few days later we were back with fevers, coughs and ear infections. Lessons playing with toys in the waiting room! But nonetheless, here are the stats at 4 years old...

Timothy--31lb 6oz/3ft 2in tall 12.5% for growth!
Cameron--28lb/3ft tall 3% for growth!
This was an especially fun check up because the children got their blood pressure checked for the first time!
The children also had their first eye and hearing test. Of course Timo was so into the electronics that he couldn't concentrate on the task at hand! He kept wanting to press the buttons, turn knobs, flip light switches, follow cords, etc...asking a million questions that totally exhausted the poor nurse. He wouldn't stop talking long enough to hear the sounds in each ear so we had to take a little "time out" with him and try 5 min later with the promise that he could press ONE button if he sat quietly and answered each question. whew! Hearing and sights are good.
Cameron, on the other hand, sat so nicely and quietly. She answered each question and finished her tests with flying colors in half the time.
Our check up went well except for advising us to see a specialist about Timo's snoring and possible sleep apnea. (more on that later) Cameron moved up to the 3% growth..up from 2% and Timo moved to the 12%. They have hit all their milestones...Cameron even got confused with the "count to 10" question and rattled off 1-10 in Chinese. Timo kept asking to hold Dr. B's stethoscope and she was kind enough to let him hold it if he gave a big "Ahhhh" so she could see his tonsils. I think she also has a soft spot for Timo since he said he wanted to a doctor when he grows up!
The secret treasure chest! Makes all that hard work of growing worth wild!