Whew! A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is a long road to recovery! The doctor said it could be anywhere from 4-10 days, maybe two weeks for some...well, I feel like we're taking the full two weeks! But as long and hard as this recovery time has been, there are so many things I am thankful for. Number one, the Lord's healing hand on Timo. Even though, at times, it felt like he was getting worse, not better, I know all along our Father was healing Timo's little throat and nose, along with his spirit.
I'm so grateful for my mother. She came all the way out here with just two days notice to help out. As the day of the surgery got closer and closer, I realized I might not be able to handle it all. Mom was amazing. She washed dishes, did laundry, took Cameron out for doughnut dates, and was just available for snuggles while I caught up on some sleep (I was up several time a night with our little patient).

Since Timo wasn't eating much, he didn't have a whole lot of energy. We tried to come up with activities that were pretty mellow but distracting enough that he wasn't focused on his "grumpy throat". Lot's of legos, board games and art work

Another blessing, my little Cameron. She has so sweet, loving and helpful this whole time. Her big concern most of the time was that Timo needed his Papi (monkey) and that his food was soft enough to eat. She even insisted on smashing bananas one day to make sure he didn't have to chew them.

And while things got a little tense at times, (sometimes nothing could make Timo happy and Mommy was going a little crazy trying) Cameron was there doing some sort of silly stint to make us all laugh! Pants on your head anyone?

The up side to the whole recovery was all the ice cream and popcisles!!

I feel like we've pulled through and Timo is almost back to himself. He slept a full night last night and woke up with a smile on his face today! His voice is almost back to normal too...Yay! The best part, I snuck into the children's room last night and could barely hear Timo sleeping...no snoring!!