As if one day of Legoland wasn't bad enough...we headed back for day 2, the water park! (Legoland knows how to suck you in by giving a huge discount on a 2day pass, you just can't pass up the deal) But, being southern California in August, it was hot and the water park was so much fun! Although, I have to say, my plans of lounging by the pool while the kids played quickly disappeared when I saw how huge the park was and how spread out everything was. There were basically four different sections, all offering different levels of entertainment for the kids. We got changed, picked out some chairs and headed straight for the main area where the water slides were.
Being a water park and being in the water all day, I didn't take that many pictures...didn't need an accident of water and my phone. But I did get some of the water slides. Timo and Cameron rode the red ones over and over, always coming down in the same ones.
We took a lunch break and went to the Lego boat building area where I'm sure Timo could have spent the rest of the day.
After lunch Cameron was ready to tackle the huge blue slide. This is when being a single mom gets tricky. How to go stand in line and ride the big scary water slide with your little girl while you son wants to be in a totally different side of the park swimming and playing with water canons? Welcome to my world! Somehow Cameron convinced me she was big enough to ride by herself and she could go alone. Ugh. So I took a leap of faith and sent her off while I waited at the bottom, watching her in line and then seeing that smiling face come flying down the side! How do they grow up do fast??!! She had a blast and wanted to do it over and over.

There was a water area and some water rides in the Legoland park that we skipped the day before because I knew we were coming back and would be in our suites, so we took a break from swimming and went to the Pirate Adventure area to get wet some more...and lose Timo. Yes, once again, being a single mom for a week, I took my eyes off him to watch Cameron on the little water slide and I lost sight of him. Turns out he was in the structure the whole time, just tucked into a little covered area shooting with water canons. And as I walked around, he would unknowingly move as well and constantly stay just out of my sight. I had two other moms helping me look but it was Cameron that found him! Needless to say, we stayed as a pack the rest of the day...

After a few more hours of swimming and rides, it was Cameron's turn to get lost. Geesh, this single mom thing was getting old! But we found her and decided it was time to call it quits on swimming. It was getting close to the park closing time and I had promised Cameron we would ride her roller coaster we missed the day before. We changed, checked our swim gear in a locker and headed into the park for one last ride...or two. Timo wanted to ride his laser target ride one more time too. I love that there are Lego building stations for the kids while you wait in line!
As we were leaving we got to meet their favorite characters from the Lego Movie! Wylestyle and Emmet. It was a nice way to wrap up Legoland.
We had said goodbye to the Bryants that morning because after Legoland we were driving back up to LA to get a jump on the long drive back to SF the next day. Even though the kids were exhausted, they stayed away for the two hour drive to keep me company, so sweet. We were all so tired when we got to our hotel at 10pm, we collapsed! Luckily the kids were so tired from the past few days, our drive back home was pretty uneventful, long, but uneventful. Note to self, not a good idea to travel the 5 on a looks like this and turns a 5 hour drive into 7 hours. But we made it home safe and were sooooo happy to see Daddy and tell him all about our adventures.