This is a little drum/music set the kids got for Christmas. We put the drum sticks away for a while due to the fact the kids can't really control them yet...after Timo smacked Cameron in the head. But here is a video of them trying to play the drum.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Play Date!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Anyway, after their morning bottle we headed to the Christmas tree to see what Santa had left. We put the kids down at the living room door way and they were off, headed straight for the new toys under the tree. Timothy went right to the play kitchen and Cameron crawled right to the shape sorter cookie jar. Soon they were both playing at the kitchen and couldn't tear themselves away.
They eventually made their way to all the goodies for them and had an overload of entertainment. While they were distracted with the kitchen, Young and I exchanged presents and enjoyed our morning together. The kids opened the rest of their gifts from Grandparents, Aunts and uncles and we got started on cooking our Christmas dinner.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Eve 2008
Happy Holidays everyone! What a wonderful Christmas we had here at the Ko home. I hope you all had a special holiday as well. We missed being with our families this year, but enjoyed sharing and beginning our own family traditions with the twins. As most of you know, due to my insane work schedule in the past, I haven't been able to travel home for the holidays. Young and I have created our own traditions the past few years and couldn't wait to include the kids this year and celebrate in our home.

Young and I have always gone downtown on Christmas Eve to enjoy food, lights and a little last minute we headed downtown this year with the kids in tow. The weather was a bit rainy but we made the most of it, walking around Union Square, seeing the giant tree all lit up and showing the kids the huge snow village in the Hilton Hotel lobby. We had a great lunch at Scala's and the staff was extremely accommodating to us and the twins. The kids were so good in the restaurant and we actually got to finish our food and have dessert! Then after driving around the city to look at all the lights it was time to head to church for our Christmas Eve service. It was nice to reflect on the birth of our Savior and what Christmas is really all about.

I was so excited to get the kids home and to bed!! Santa had to come and I wanted to be front and center for all the action. Afterward, Young and I relaxed by the fire, roasted some chestnuts and enjoyed a little peace and quiet....if just for a little while.
I was so excited to get the kids home and to bed!! Santa had to come and I wanted to be front and center for all the action. Afterward, Young and I relaxed by the fire, roasted some chestnuts and enjoyed a little peace and quiet....if just for a little while.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We will try to get new photos and stories updated soon...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
New Sounds
Cameron has always been the first to make new sounds and if she's anything like her mommy, she'll be talking long before Timothy. She just stated making a new new type of baby talk that I thought was just so cute. It's a much faster talk than she has before.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Standing Little Man
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finger Foods
Feeding the kids has become a bit more challenging but a whole lot more fun! We are onto finger foods now b/c they (and by "they" I mean Cameron) are on a no puree food strike. She basically won't eat from a spoon right now, she has to feed herself. She still will eat her yogurt, applesauce and carrot puree but that's about all you can get her to eat from a spoon. So the challenge is finding enough healthy foods that a baby with no teeth can eat. Bananas bites top our list along with Cheerios, Kixs and Goldfish. Then the fun starts. I found a bunch of great items at Trader Joes for them. They have these "Smart Dogs" that are hot dogs made of soy, so they are super soft and taste just like hot dogs. They also have organic mac and cheese that the kids love and easy for them to pick up. String cheese is another favorite along with sweet potato bits. I'll cook spinach down, chop it and make little tiny balls for them to grab and maybe some cut grapes for dessert. I have kinda a running list of menus I cycle through but am always looking for new ideas if anyone has some...
Here are some pics of our dinner the other night..."hot dogs", mac n cheese and whole wheat toast, yummy! I just put the food down and them have at it. (let's not talk about how messy this all is...)

Here are some pics of our dinner the other night..."hot dogs", mac n cheese and whole wheat toast, yummy! I just put the food down and them have at it. (let's not talk about how messy this all is...)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How to Keep the Kids Out of the Christmas Tree...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
10 Months Old!
Here are the stats:
Cameron 19lb 5oz
Big accomplishments this past month seemed to happen all within last week. So much stuff I haven't had a chance to post yet but I'll go ahead and mention (stay tuned for pictures)
Timothy is pulling himself up to standing on anything that will hold his weight.
Cameron had slight movement forward yesterday.
Christmas tree shopping .
Seeing Santa!
Discovering new favorite foods...mac and cheese, hot dogs, spinach, avocados, apple juice.
Discovering new foods we don't like...tangerines (I think too sour).
Cameron has added a few new sounds to her vocabulary...doy, doy, doy...
Timothy learned to clap...Cameron already mastered this.
Cameron has started mimicing a few of our actions...pretend sneezing is my personal fav.
NEW CAR SEATS! (stay tuned for pictures)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Cameron in the Basket
I was doing laundry and put Cameron in the basket just for fun. She loved it. We had Christmas music playing in the background and she was dancing...she loves dancing.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We had our Family Christmas party at church Saturday night and Santa was there. We were so excited to get the kid's picture taken and not have to brave the mall Santa. All in all I think things went pretty well and we got some really cute pictures of the kids with Santa. Surprisingly Timothy was the most scared. Cameron warmed up after a moment or two, distracted by her candy cane, but Timothy just couldn't muster up the courage.
The party was great fun...full of families, singing, the story of Christmas, edible Nativity scenes and a chili cook off...that I lost! The kids had fun playing with their friends and we had fun talking to the several "soon to be parents" from the church...trying to prepare them. Here are a few photos of the festive evening.
PS...someone was taking pictures of all the kids with Santa. I'll post them when they get emailed to me.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
One More
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Security Monkey
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"Help, I'm Stuck!"
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