Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tired of eating, is it possible?

I've never been one to shy away from a meal and I absolutely love food...I'm a pastry chef after all. But I have to say, in these last months I am tired of eating! These twins have me eating six to seven times a day. It's so hard coming up with different things to eat all day, everyday. If I discover a new snack I'll eat it for three of four days and then I'm food bored again. I've pretty much exhausted burgers, ice cream, yogurt, fruit and chips. I can't eat a huge amount at one sitting b/c my stomach is smashed up by two little heads. But usually within an hour or so of feeling full, I'm feeling hungry again. I know Young is tired of hearing "I'm hungry, what do we have to eat?" Our grocery has noticeably go up a few bucks as well (another hidden cost of twins). If anyone has any exciting snacks to suggest, I'd be happy to hear them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I discovered eggs when I was pregnant. The doc told me to eat protein snacks so I'd be full longer. But most protein snacks are full of fat and salt. Eggs is full of good stuff for developing brains too!