Several friends have suggested we take pictures of the twins next to a stuffed animal each week so you can track their growth process. We started that you go.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Two week doctor visit
We had our first pediatrician appointment today and all went well. The twins have gained about a pound each...Timothy is a whopping 7lb 2oz and Cameron is weighing in at 5lb 12oz. We went in with a bunch of questions written down, different things we were concerned about...all to find out everything the twins are doing is normal. The doctor said they are functioning normal, we can increase their feeding amounts and we got some ointment for that nasty diaper rash Cameron has developed. So all in all the visit was great! As for our second outing...we are still learning. We left with out the stroller this morning so we had to carry them around in their car seats..Young is building his muscles. But we did make it to the doctor on time which was my main goal.
Several friends have suggested we take pictures of the twins next to a stuffed animal each week so you can track their growth process. We started that you go.

Several friends have suggested we take pictures of the twins next to a stuffed animal each week so you can track their growth process. We started that you go.
Twenty Toes
I've been wanting to put up a post with the twenty fingers and twenty toes. The first thing a mother does when her baby is born...count fingers and toes. Well, getting a snap shot of hands is nearly impossible, the kids are way too we'll have to settle for twenty toes...
(their feet are about 2 inches long!)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
The "Y"s Have It
Thank you to all for your opinion on the middle names. The "Y"s have it! We will be going with Young and Yoomie for their names. The bad news is we procrastinated a bit too long to get them on their birth we have to file for an official name change. We missed the deadline by one day!! We now have to go to Oakland, fill out paper work, pay a huge fee and apply for the middle names to be added. I'm going to pretend that it's official already and maybe get around to the application sometime within the year...
Here is a new picture of Timothy Young and Cameron Yoomie...the last one in their premiee clothes...they are growing so fast!

Here is a new picture of Timothy Young and Cameron Yoomie...the last one in their premiee clothes...they are growing so fast!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sleep when they are sleeping
Sunday, February 24, 2008
First Outing...Sunday Church
After going back and forth on whether to go try to make it to church this morning, we decided we would give it a try. I haven't been out of the house in about 10 day and was in need of a little fresh air. We thought the twins were on a solid enough schedule we could plan a feeding before we left and be back by the next feeding. All we needed was the weather to cooperate and we would be set. We woke up this morning with no rain and decided to give it a try....let's just say we'll do better next week...
The twins got off their schedule at the 6am feeding b/c of fussiness and general laziness in feeding, so they weren't ready for their 9am feeding until 10am. I figured we need to start getting ready a little earlier than normal, which we did, but not early enough. To make a long story short, church starts at 10:15 and we left the house at 11am. We got there just in time to hear the tail end of P. Phil's sermon. We had doubts about going at around 10:45 but decided we would see it through and learn from it. I really wanted to be in church today just to worship God and give thanks for His amazing gifts to us. There is something gratifying about being in a large worship setting that allows you to be more humble at what the Lord has done. So I'm glad we made the outing and saw it through.
Next Sunday we'll start getting ready an hour earlier...
Here are a few pics we've taken the past few days. The first on we call their "raise you hands and praise the Lord, Hallelujah!" pose. Enjoy!

The twins got off their schedule at the 6am feeding b/c of fussiness and general laziness in feeding, so they weren't ready for their 9am feeding until 10am. I figured we need to start getting ready a little earlier than normal, which we did, but not early enough. To make a long story short, church starts at 10:15 and we left the house at 11am. We got there just in time to hear the tail end of P. Phil's sermon. We had doubts about going at around 10:45 but decided we would see it through and learn from it. I really wanted to be in church today just to worship God and give thanks for His amazing gifts to us. There is something gratifying about being in a large worship setting that allows you to be more humble at what the Lord has done. So I'm glad we made the outing and saw it through.
Next Sunday we'll start getting ready an hour earlier...
Here are a few pics we've taken the past few days. The first on we call their "raise you hands and praise the Lord, Hallelujah!" pose. Enjoy!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Eyes wide open
Several people have commented that Timothy always has his eyes closed in the photos...that's because he always has his eyes closed. Cameron is much more alert more often than Timothy...not sure why. She is also the fussier one of the two. Timothy is so relaxed most of the time, he just kinda eats, sleeps and poops. We have them on somewhat of a schedule now, feeding every three hours. Young and I alternate feedings so the other can nap/rest. We are two days into this schedule so we'll see if we can all keep it up.
We did manage to capture a few shot after dinner time last night. Here are a few photos of them both, eyes wide open.

We did manage to capture a few shot after dinner time last night. Here are a few photos of them both, eyes wide open.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Middle Names
OK, so the answer to the million dollar question, do we have middle names yet? The answer is no. We just can't we'll let you all participate. We have two finalist. We would like their middle names to begin with the same letter...let us know what you think...
Timothy Young Ko
Cameron Yoomie Ko (u-me)
(Korean names)
Timothy Luke Ko
Cameron Lucy Ko
(Luke and Lucy mean "bringer of light")
Timothy Young Ko
Cameron Yoomie Ko (u-me)
(Korean names)
Timothy Luke Ko
Cameron Lucy Ko
(Luke and Lucy mean "bringer of light")
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bath time
Today was Timothy and Cameron's first bath...or rather, sponge bath. They had deep cleaning baths in the hospital but this was their first one at home. Of course neither took to the idea very well as you can tell from the pics. But it's nice wash them all up, comb their hair and be fresh and clean...I love the smell of babies...
Before and After Delivery 2/14/08
Sorry to digress from our ever growing children, but I wanted to post a few photos of their birth date. It was all such a blur to me, I finally had time to go through the hundreds of photos Young took that day. I thought some of them were kinda cute and thought I would post them. These are of us waiting to go into delivery. Once the doctors decided to deliver the babies, we were put into scrubs and prepped for surgery. My best friend Monique made the trek over the Bay Bridge at 4am so she could be there for the deliveries. LOVE HER! She made the wait a bit more enjoyable, as we got bumped back a few hours because of an emergency that came in just ahead of us.

There are also a few, not so glamorous photos of me in the recovery room holding the babies. I can remember the sense of "oh my gosh, these are mine" when they placed both babies on me.

There are also a few, not so glamorous photos of me in the recovery room holding the babies. I can remember the sense of "oh my gosh, these are mine" when they placed both babies on me.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Waterboarding? Please...
So if you have been watching or reading the news recently, you might have heard about the controversy regarding a form of interrogation technique called Waterboarding. Many are calling this torture.
Well, I'm not sure nor do I want to first hand what that's like, but I'm pretty sure sleep deprivation needs to be added to that list.
We are currently on a 3-hour feeding schedule which means that throughout the night, we are feeding Timothy and Cameron every three hours. Each feeding including diaper changes lasts about 1 1/2 hours. Translation? Not much sleep. We are constantly counting how many minutes of sleep we can get after each feeding.
In any event, please enjoy some new pics in the 4th day of life of Timothy and Cameron.

Well, I'm not sure nor do I want to first hand what that's like, but I'm pretty sure sleep deprivation needs to be added to that list.
We are currently on a 3-hour feeding schedule which means that throughout the night, we are feeding Timothy and Cameron every three hours. Each feeding including diaper changes lasts about 1 1/2 hours. Translation? Not much sleep. We are constantly counting how many minutes of sleep we can get after each feeding.
In any event, please enjoy some new pics in the 4th day of life of Timothy and Cameron.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Holding Hands
Here's a video we finally uploaded of Timothy and Cameron holding hands the day they were born.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Shhhhh... they're sleeping.
Today was a big day in the Ko household. We added two new ones into our home. At around 2:00pm we packed up the car and the entire family including Timothy and Cameron left Oakland Kaiser and headed over the Bay Bridge into SF.
The drive was very peaceful and surreal. It was amazing Sara and I got to the hospital just three days ago and were now heading back to SF with a full car.
We came home and slowly but surely started to get adjusted. I quickly realized that the initial setup in our nursery wasn't quite going to work out and had to make some minor adjustments.
To help us get settled in, the Busbee ladies and Monique stopped by to help us. Considering how far away our families are, it's such a blessing to have a community of good friends that will be there for you.
We can't thank the staff at Oakland Kaiser enough for the wonderful care they provided us. We would like to especially thank Erin and Bihung for their caring nursing and advice.
Sara is experiencing some side effects from the anesthesia and is having some bad headaches. Please continue to pray for her speedy recovery.
We look forward to seeing our two loverly kids grow and share our lives together. I often have 'father' moments where I see a glimpse of the future with our little ones. Hopefully, we'll be able to share these with you through this blog.
Now back to trying to get some sleep before our midnight feeding.

Today was a big day in the Ko household. We added two new ones into our home. At around 2:00pm we packed up the car and the entire family including Timothy and Cameron left Oakland Kaiser and headed over the Bay Bridge into SF.
The drive was very peaceful and surreal. It was amazing Sara and I got to the hospital just three days ago and were now heading back to SF with a full car.
We came home and slowly but surely started to get adjusted. I quickly realized that the initial setup in our nursery wasn't quite going to work out and had to make some minor adjustments.
To help us get settled in, the Busbee ladies and Monique stopped by to help us. Considering how far away our families are, it's such a blessing to have a community of good friends that will be there for you.
We can't thank the staff at Oakland Kaiser enough for the wonderful care they provided us. We would like to especially thank Erin and Bihung for their caring nursing and advice.
Sara is experiencing some side effects from the anesthesia and is having some bad headaches. Please continue to pray for her speedy recovery.
We look forward to seeing our two loverly kids grow and share our lives together. I often have 'father' moments where I see a glimpse of the future with our little ones. Hopefully, we'll be able to share these with you through this blog.
Now back to trying to get some sleep before our midnight feeding.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Babies Day 2
Timothy and Cameron are in their second day of life. Mother and father are doing well, albeit exhausted. But we definitely have great motivation.
Cameron has little bit of jaundice. They are keeping a close eye on her to make sure that she is on the right track. She is definitely daddy's little girl. She squirms around a lot and you can tell she is going to get into all kinds of mischief.
Timothy is the silent type and sleeps really well. When he is awake, he has a very intentional and deep thought look about him. He is a spitting image of daddy and mommy - definitely Asian looking though.
Both of them look around from time to time as if in a daze. Amazingly enough, they have very dark blue eyes. Apparently, all babies are born with blue eyes but they change colors over time.

We want to thank all of our friends for their calls, words of encouragement and prayers. We want to specifically thank Yang who stopped by today to provide some badly needed food and relief for daddy.

We are expecting to go home on Sunday. Thank you for all your offers for help (meals, etc.). Please contact Stephanie Gluch ( She is organizing the meals calendar.
Cameron has little bit of jaundice. They are keeping a close eye on her to make sure that she is on the right track. She is definitely daddy's little girl. She squirms around a lot and you can tell she is going to get into all kinds of mischief.
Timothy is the silent type and sleeps really well. When he is awake, he has a very intentional and deep thought look about him. He is a spitting image of daddy and mommy - definitely Asian looking though.
Both of them look around from time to time as if in a daze. Amazingly enough, they have very dark blue eyes. Apparently, all babies are born with blue eyes but they change colors over time.

We want to thank all of our friends for their calls, words of encouragement and prayers. We want to specifically thank Yang who stopped by today to provide some badly needed food and relief for daddy.

We are expecting to go home on Sunday. Thank you for all your offers for help (meals, etc.). Please contact Stephanie Gluch ( She is organizing the meals calendar.
Friday, February 15, 2008
They're Here!
Introducing, Timothy and Cameron!
More to come on their amazing journey, but please enjoy some images of the wonderful brother and sister.
Boy Timothy was born on 2/14/2008 9:40AM at 6lbs 6oz. Girl Cameron was born on 2/14/2008 9:41AM at 4lbs 14oz.
Mom is doing well and is in recovery. Please keep everyone in your prayers. Specifically that the babies will learn to nurse.

More to come on their amazing journey, but please enjoy some images of the wonderful brother and sister.
Boy Timothy was born on 2/14/2008 9:40AM at 6lbs 6oz. Girl Cameron was born on 2/14/2008 9:41AM at 4lbs 14oz.
Mom is doing well and is in recovery. Please keep everyone in your prayers. Specifically that the babies will learn to nurse.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hangin' With Friends
Young and I had a great weekend last weekend of seeing alot of our friends and enjoying one last date night out together before the twins arrive. Here are just a few photos of us with friends, trying to get that "one last time" before time is scarce. Some of the photos are from an Orson work party. For those who don't know, Citizen Cake is opening a new restaurant called Orson. It's scheduled to open on the same day as our delivery, February 26. They had a small work party there is weekend just so we could all see the new space. It was nice so see all my work friends...
ps...I had another easy doctors apt. yesterday...everything is still going well. We are well on our way to 38 weeks!
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