Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Before and After Delivery 2/14/08

Sorry to digress from our ever growing children, but I wanted to post a few photos of their birth date. It was all such a blur to me, I finally had time to go through the hundreds of photos Young took that day. I thought some of them were kinda cute and thought I would post them. These are of us waiting to go into delivery. Once the doctors decided to deliver the babies, we were put into scrubs and prepped for surgery. My best friend Monique made the trek over the Bay Bridge at 4am so she could be there for the deliveries. LOVE HER! She made the wait a bit more enjoyable, as we got bumped back a few hours because of an emergency that came in just ahead of us.

There are also a few, not so glamorous photos of me in the recovery room holding the babies. I can remember the sense of "oh my gosh, these are mine" when they placed both babies on me.

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