Monday, March 31, 2008
Congratulations Christy and Adam
Last Friday we got the opportunity to attend Christy and Adam's wedding. We checked in advance to make sure we could bring the twins...and we had a blast! It was so much fun being out at a social event with the kids. They behaved themselves really
well and I think they even had fun. It was a beautiful ceremony and an outstanding reception.
This was our table with a nice view of San Francisco downtown and the gang at our table. There was another baby sitting with us, Bobby and Gwen Evan's new daughter, Angelic. She is one week older than the twins. Thanks to Annelies, Katie and Marcos for watching the twins, literally, so Young and I could dance!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Baby Dedication!

Today was baby dedication Sunday. Sara and I wanted to dedicate our two wonderful babies to the Lord. She and I along with our church body committed to raising the kids up in the patterns of Jesus. We shared this day with our friends Elijah and Stacey Tafao and their baby girl Olivia Ann.
Sara and I also shared a little of our personal journey with the Lord and how He blessed us tremendously despite our shortcomings and personal failures. We read from Jeremiah 29:11 (For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future), and wanted to be a witness to how God does and did have a plan for us. Even when we didn't see a future or any hope, He did.
I wish I could say that it was smooth sailing during worship service. Needless to say, Timothy had different plans. Either he wanted to be in the lime light or was just getting an early start being a preacher, he couldn't stop wailing pretty much throughout the dedication.
When asked how the church could pray for us, we asked for rest, wisdom to raise our children, Timothy to be a preacher and for Cameron to always be daddy's little girl. And we would ask that you pray for us in this way as well.
More pictures courtesy of Myyyyyy Sharona...

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Daddy's Home!
Young gets home around 6pm each night...either just before or in the middle of the twins 6pm feeding. This is the feeding I try to start winding the twins down, talking softly, lowering the lights...just to let the know it's sleepy time for the rest of the night. Unfortunately Young doesn't share my same thoughts. He is coming home and so excited to see the kids, he just starts picking them up, playing, dancing, talking really loud to them. So of course they are wide awake and we don't get to have dinner in silence...
Here is a video of Young dancing with his daughter... (turn sound way up)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Yes, we are twins!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
We had a wonderful Easter this year, giving thanks that our Lord has risen! We made it church on time this week all dressed up in our Easter best. Unfortunately this is all everyone saw of the twins in their Easter attire...they never got out of their car seats. It was time to feed at the end of service and in typical fashion they drooled and spit up all over their clothes and needed a wardrobe change. I was hoping for a family picture today but we'll have to wait yet again...
I hope everyone had a happy Easter!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Our Staurday Strolls
We had a beautiful spring day here in San Francisco and decided to take the kids out in about in the City. We tried to find a few Easter activities going on but the crowds were heavy in the we stuck to the food scene in the Ferry Building. We had to make a lunch stop to feed the kids and sat next to a nice lady until we changed Timothy's diaper...I think we ran her off with the smell! Here are a few shots of us milling around under the Bay Bridge.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Timothy Stretching
Timothy is a very noisy and stretchy baby. He is always grunting, snorting, sighing or just babbling. He is particularly vocal when he is waking up and stretching. Check out the video of him waking up from his nap today...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Road to the Final Four

Just wanted to give a shout out to my Tarheels!! They won the ACC championship yesterday and are on their way to a national title, in my opinion. Carolina is #1 in the NCAA tournament and 1# seed in the East bracket...I think it's a pretty tough bracket this year. I'll keep you all posted on UNC's road to the Final Four! Their first game is Friday against the winner of the Mt. St. Mary's/Coppin St. game.
Thanks Grandpa!
My dad had to leave yesterday to get back to his job as a chef at the travel park of the month...somewhere in Alabama. They have a big Easter weekend coming up. We had him for a whole week and love every minute of it. The grandtwins, as he calls them, loved having him and we love all the many ways he helped us out. Thanks Dad!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday mornings
Young and I split the night feedings up...he does the 9pm, I take care of the 12am and 3am, and he picks up the 6am. This morning the twins were a little off schedule and didn't feed until 7am. After Young fed and changed them he snuggled them into bed with me for a lazy Saturday morning. After we got up we headed out for our Saturday morning stroll...Then back to watch the UNC b-ball game with my little girl (gotta start them young)...what a close game it was but Carolina pulled it off.
Date Night
Tonight Young and I got our first date night out without the kiddies. Since Grandpa and Granny are here we took the opportunity to go out for some alone time...and I must say it was very strange...nice, but strange to have something to look forward to coming home to. We missed the kids the whole time and couldn't wait to get home and see their faces. That aside, we did have an amazing diner out the new restaurant Orson. In case you don't know, Orson is the new child of my boss Elizabeth Falkner and Sabrina Riddle. We will have our new baking facility over there soon as well. The restaurant is incredible hip and trendy. The food was amazing!! Everything we had was really tasty, complex and complete. And the wine was excellent as well. I highly recommend everyone try Orson...just be dressed in your most hip black clothing...Young and I didn't get that memo and we sorta stuck out in my pink sweater and his white shirt...
Friday, March 14, 2008
One Month Old!
We are one month old today!! I was "we" because not only are the twins a month old but we are a month old as a family. I want to get a family photo up but by the time Young gets home from work it's their 6pm feeding and they fall right to sleep. They don't wake again until 9pm and we're not feeling very photogenic by that time. We'll try to get one this weekend.
It seems this first month has flown by and in other ways it feels like the twins have always been around. A few milestones...weight gain (especially Timothy), neck strength and following our voices around. We look forward to see what the twins have in store for us in the next four weeks!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
March Madness!!!
It's that time of year again and anyone who knows me...knows I live for this month. This year holds lots of promise for my Tarheels! The ACC tourney started today, Carolina plays Florida St. tomorrow. The ACC aside, we are looking excellent going into the NCAA tournament. Carolina is ranked #1 nationally, will get a #1 seat in the tournament and his playing really strong here at end stretch. Needless to say, Carolina basketball will be a family affair...GO HEELS!!!
(ignore the fact Timothy is screaming his head off...he's just cold in the little outfit)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Grandpa and Granny are here
My parents arrived late Sunday night and have been busy ever since. Mom jumped right in with night feedings and Dad picked up early morning feeding and random household chores. It's so nice to have extra hands round the house. I took my first outing to the grocery store without the kids and rushed back just to make sure everyone and everything was OK. Mom and Dad seems to have their hands full but don't really seem to mind.
Another good thing about Mom and Dad being's gotten the twins out of the nursery and into the rest of the house. The kids are enjoying their pack n play as well as other toys they have received. I guess I've been so overwhelmed with them by myself, I haven't really ventured to our living room that much. It seems I only move from my bed to their crib, to the changing table, rocking chair and back to bed...
Monday, March 10, 2008
More Sharona pictures
Friday, March 7, 2008
catching up
Sorry we haven't posted in a while...we are slowly trying to get into a routine and function on very limited amount of sleep. Most of our free time is a choice between eating, sleeping or maybe fitting a shower in...posting on the blog is ranking low on the priority list, sorry. Young is working from home today so I have an extra pair of ears and hands to get a little more done today.
Sara's parents get here in two days! We are looking forward to the twins meeting their Granny and Grandpa. We're also looking forward to getting some relief at the 12am and 3am feedings!!! I don't think they are prepared for what lies in store for them...
Here are a few pictures we've taken the past few days. The twins are growing like crazy these days...especially Timothy...he is little porker!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Saturday morning stroll
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