Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Timothy Stretching

Timothy is a very noisy and stretchy baby. He is always grunting, snorting, sighing or just babbling. He is particularly vocal when he is waking up and stretching. Check out the video of him waking up from his nap today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Darlene kindly gave me your contact
information, and I have really
enjoyed seeing your beautiful
family! It really brings back
memories for me -- even though
it's been 28 years since I had
my twins. You and Young are
really doing a great job -- I can
tell how much you love each other
and how much you adore Timothy and
Cameron. Have a wonderful life
and enjoy them every day -- even
though it's hard now. They are
truly precious, and I hope Wayne
and I will be able to see them when
you come back this way!!

Much love,
Brenda and Wayne Beavers