Monday, June 2, 2008

It's Portrait Time

It's a right of passage for every child born to have their portrait taken at Sears. My mom (Babs) sent us a coupon for a portrait package at we loaded up the kids, some matching outfits and headed down to the mall. Of course we spent a lot more $$ than just what the coupon offered b/c the twins have two sets of grandparents, two great grandmothers, aunts and uncles. But it was worth it. The kids did a great job at smiling and looking at the camera and lasted a wardrobe change during it all. So since we still can't post any pictures from the vacation, I thought I would put up some of their portraits. (they give you the portrait CD after you make your purchases!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the one of cameron by herself and then the one of the twins in the upper right hand corner. very cute!