Friday, July 25, 2008

Mommy Moment

I had a mommy moment last night with Timothy. He was overly tired when I put him to bed which means he has a really hard time falling asleep. Normally we'll just put him to bed and he'll go to sleep himself but he missed his afternoon nap and was so tired. After crying a while, I was trying to calm him down, walking him around, bouncing, all my usual bag of tricks and nothing was working. So I decided to just sit and rock him a while. He calmed down and I started to sing to him...he fell right to sleep. If any of you know, I can't carry a tune to save my life, extremely tone deaf. But to my son, it was calming and soothing...just what he needed to hear.
I realized as I was rocking him how big he is now. He used to fit just in the crook of my he stretches all the way across my body and pass the arm of the rocking chair. I just sat there rocking him for a good 30mins after he was asleep, not wanting to put him down...

1 comment:

Lisa Y said...

I just thought how awesome it will be years from now when Timothy and Cameron read their mom's blog. How special those words will be.