Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Making Baby Food

Carrots, Yummy!

Now don't get me wrong...I wasn't on board with the whole "make your own baby food" at first. After all, I ate pureed peas out of jar so it must be good enough for my kids. And it is just as good...but it's a whole lot cheaper to make your own! And it's way easier than I thought. A lot of the moms in our twins club make their own and are always talking about how easy it is and how you get so much food from such little amount of veggies. And another mom suggested I get used to making their own food because I would soon be making breakfast, lunch and dinner for them it now while it's easy.

So I gave it a try...I mean, I am a hard can pureed veggies be? I got to the farmer's market every week anyway...I should really just give it a try...

It is soo incredibly easy and so amazingly cheap!! Let me do the math for you...I got at least 14 feeding out of $1.50 of organic carrots. That works out to about to roughly $.11 a feeding, split that in half per baby and your looking at about $.05 a baby. Baby food in the store cost anywhere from $.50 to $.85 a jar (depending on organic and what's on sale). Yeah, it's huge savings. And it really doesn't take much time. Just steam, puree in the blender and pour in ice trays. I need to get more trays now...I'm going crazy with the veggies. I got sweet potatoes, summer squash, apples, peaches and peas at the market today. Here is the carrots and sweet potatoes I did last week...start and finish...


Mark said...

Hi,The Kos! I did a search for twins clubs on google and your blog popped up. I live in Austin and wanted your advice. I have a website that sells double strollers ( I won't even list it right now, don't want you to think I am just posting it on here for people to go see). My wife and I started this site and we are wondering about good ways to market it. We only sell double strollers. I had thought about approaching twins clubs, giving them a password and for anyone who bought one using that code we would either do a discount or donate money back to the club etc.

I appreciate your thoughts on this and if you think this is a good idea or not. You are the first twins club I have talked to. I'll be glad to email you the website directly to take a look at if you want.

Thanks for your time.

Mark Matthews

Matt and Lauren said...

I am so glad that you are making your own baby food. We do the same for our little guy. He loves it!!! Watch out- you will get addicted to making baby food. Call me crazy, but I find it fun!! I think it is because I actually feel like I have accomplished something. We make squash, broccoli, plums, peaches, pears, apples, asparagus, peas, carrots, sweet potato, mango, banana, and blueberries. I think making your own baby food helps them transition better to finger food. The jarred stuff just does not taste the same. There are two great resources I, and the Super Baby Food Book.

Your LOs are adorable!!! I loved the videos in the last post. So cute!

Matt and Lauren said...

Hey. I misprinted the web address. It is Sorry about that!

Sharona said...

I want some!! mmm...sweet potatoes...