Saturday, August 8, 2009

Souvenir Presents

We were kinda late in thinking about a vacation this summer and now it's a little too late for Young to get some time off of work. (Praise God he is super busy) We try to take little day excursions when we can and maybe a long weekend coming up not a major "park up the car and heading out of town" vacation. Thanks goodness we have such good friends who thinks of us when they are on vacation and bring souvenirs back for the's like they were there too!

Our neighbors just got back from a cruise in the Carribean and got the kids these cute stuffed dolphin and crocodile. Cameron has them kissing each other...

The Wohlers went to Disneyland a few months ago and spotted these cool sunglasses for the twins...

A while back the Busbees went to the San Diego Zoo and thought of our monkeys immediately when they saw these cups. I've had them put a away but just brought them out for our teeth brushing at night.

1 comment:

Mira said...

You do have nice friends! Got to remember to take yourself on a vacation though. Can't forget yourselves1