As the kids grow, I see their personalities coming out more and more each day. I see so much of myself and so much of Young in each of them. I thought I would get a few things down about each of them to compare when they are 18 years old.
Cameron is so emotional developed, it just amazes me. She runs the gambit of almost every emotion on any given day from so excited about seeing a fish, sad over a crayon breaking to incredibly angry at me that she turns her head away and won't make eye contact. We often nickname her the "drama queen".
The number one thing most people say about her after they have spent time with her is "wow, she knows a lot of words and expresses herself really well!", she talks A LOT. She gets that from her mommy...
She loves food! You would never know that by being in the 3% in weight, she sure does love to eat and will try anything you give her. She also loves to be up in a chair watching everything going on while I'm cooking in the kitchen. My soon to be chef.
I'm not sure how long this will last but she is extremely obedient. It just takes saying "no, no" to her once and she quits immediately. Sometimes all you have to do is say her name and she stops in her tracks. I think she gets that from her Daddy...
Little Miss Independent! She tries and tries over and over until she can master it. And she has to do it all by HERSELF! Anytime I take over just to get it done faster (dressing her) she gets so mad at me. After a few dozen tries, she can now put her pants on by herself. My mom would say she gets this from me...hum....
She loves to sing! She is forever singing songs all around the house...even when she is just sitting in her high chair eating. Her current favs are Twinkle, twinkle and the ABC song. (she only knows "ABC" but keeps singing it over and over". We listen to Childrens Bible Songs in the car and she says "ready, ready, ready" when one song goes off and is waiting for the next to come on. I think she gets her love of music from both Young and me but let's hope she gets her Daddy's beautiful voice!
We often say of Cameron that you have to earn her love but once you do, you have a new best friend. We just adore our little girl and can't wait to see what a beautiful woman, inside and out, she will grow up to be.
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