Sunday, December 6, 2009

Academy of Science

Cameron has a particular obsession with fish or any type of sea life....octopus, turtles, starfish, etc. So we thought it would be fun to take the kids to the aquarium at the Academy of Science. We've been there before but just hit the toddler play area because the kids were a bit younger. But now they can handle being out of their stroller and know to mostly stay next to Mommy and Daddy. Young took the day before Thanksgiving off and we headed over with the kids. (we are so lucky to live within walking distance)

Absolute heaven is the only way to describe how excited the kids were to see all the fish up close. They still use the sign for "more" when they want more of something and Timo was walking around signing "more" saying "more fish" as he moved from tank to tank. Cameron just sat down at the floor to ceiling fish tank and watched everything....she stayed there so long, I finally had to pick her up so we could go see some other exhibits.

Needless to say, we were so busy taking the kids all around, chasing them down and just sharing in their excitement of everything they were seeing....we didn't get that many pictures. Here is what we took but I'm so sad we didn't get any pictures of feeding time at the penguin tank. We had a front row seat for that and Cameron was in awe of them diving into the water.

We did take a little time out to hit the toddler area....Timo was attacked by Daddy's puppets and Cameron took a break on the bed in the pirate ship!

The weather was so amazing we decided to stay a while long and have lunch at the outdoor cafe. I have to say the food was very tasty and all kid friendly.

We had such a great time and the kids we completely overwhelmed by the everything they saw, we decided to get a membership so we could go back over and over. It's so close to our house I can walk the kids over any day of the week and there was still SO much we didn't even get to experience. I can' wait till we get to go again!

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