Timothy, at 9:41am today you turned 2 years old! I can't believe how you have grown from just 6lb 6oz. And oh, how you fit the total model of a two year old little boy. Your life is centered around truck, trains and cars. Nothing makes you happier than pushing your dump trucks or building a new train track adventure. But I can already see what a kind and gentle nature you have, especially toward your sister. Though she may not always understand, you are ready and willing to take her toy and show her how it works or how to fix it, then quickly returning it. I love how you always need to let me know information..."Mommy, tister crying. Mommy, uh-oh, mess. Mommy, ball over there. Mommy, look! A tractor!" You are free with the kisses and always have a smile or belly laugh for anyone willing to look your way. But the moments you are so upset you can't see straight, you only want your mommy. You lay you head on my shoulder and just let me love you (this might be my favorite part about being your mommy.) I hope your love of saying "dear Jesus" when we pray and shout "Hallelujah!" at the end lasts a lifetime. And as long as you have your monkey (Pappi) and your paci, you can sleep anywhere. You are constantly surprising us with your words, athletics and unending love. I can't wait to see you grow up to a young man...just not too fast!!
Happy Birthday Buddy!
Cameron, at 9:42am today, you turned 2 years old too. My little 4lb 14oz punkin has grown into an independent toddler...and doesn't mind letting you know that. As I think about what to write about you, I feel like I'm writing about myself. You are so much like me, it's unbelievable. Still as shy as day one, you take a while to warm up to strangers. You prefer hats to bows and you can keep up with your brother almost step by step. I feel you make my job as a mommy so much easier by telling me what you will wear, what you want to eat and do and do not want to play with. You're spirit has really come alive as your vocabulary grows, almost like your fussiness as a baby was because you couldn't talk. But now you are constantly letting us know something, anything, just to be talking. And when you're not talking, you are singing. The number one thing everyone says about you is "wow, she knows the words to a lot of songs!" I love how you adore your brother, always making sure his needs are met before you meet your own needs. You never ask for a cookie, snack, drink, toy without asking for one for "bruder". And when those terrible two moments strike, we've learned to just let you work it out yourself and have your blanki and loving arms ready to hold you. I hope you always enjoy praying as much as you do now... squeezing your eyes shut tight and folding your hands together...I hope you always enjoy talking to Jesus. Your are so emotionally mature, I feel you are already a teenager, but I hope we can hold those years off a little longer and enjoy watching our little princess grow.
Happy Birthday Punkin!
Happy Birthday Punkin!
Happy Birthday to all of you! The little bigs ones are so cute and smart. I hope to see you soon. Have a great Valentine's day too!
Yay valentines babies! They sound like so much fun! So different from mine it seems, but I'm sure they'd get along if we could just match schedules again! But then I kinda need to get this baby outta me first...
CONGRATS Sara and Young! It all does go so fast (but at times SO SLOW, too!). We had fun letting Emilie make a mess of her duck-themed birthday cake on Jan 30th. I liked your letters to the kids. I think I'll write a similar one to Emilie for her first birthday.
Congratulations! Where have the two years gone?!
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