Now on to Movie Night! Growing up we didn't really have movie night because the VCR had just come out, we didn't have one and watching movies at home wasn't really common. But we did have Friday Family TV night of Dukes of Hazzard and CHIPS! This was like our movie night. Daddy would pop some pop corn and we would all gather around the TV to be entertained. So....I wanted to carry on this tradition with the kids, only having family movie night.
Last Saturday the kids decided to hibernate for their nap and sleep 3 1/2 hours! I knew they would never go to sleep at their normal bedtime so we decided a good way to past the evening away was to try a movie night. We picked Curious George because the kids love to watch George in the morning on PBS and they are familiar with him. We popped some pop corn and all sat down for our movie experience. The pop corn was an immediate hit...I think Timo could have eaten the whole bowl! Cameron lasted about 30min of the movie and Timo made it almost through the whole hour and 20min.
One thing I did notice about the kids and the movie...they talked...a lot. Any time George wasn't on the screen..."where go George?" Or "what's that?" for anything they didn't know what it the robot doggie. And then there is Cameron who has to give us a blow by blow of what is happening..."Mommy look, George flying" "Daddy, George is ridding in boat", "look, there is an elephant". Sooooo, note to not ready for the quiet of the movie theater yet...
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