Saturday, December 15, 2007

Week 29

Here is our new belly picture! I can't imagine getting any bigger but know I will. I had a good doctor's visit today, sorry, no ultrasound pics. I'll have more of them in two weeks. But we heard two strong heart beats. My doctor says I am doing very well and should be able to carry full term...but more importantly wants to get past 32 weeks. The babies are still twisting and truning, moving and kicking. But soon space will get really tight and they will just be kicking. Young's favorite thing is to press his ear against my tummy and hear the heart beats. Every once in a while he gets a kick in the head :)

I also finished up at work on Friday. Now I'll be able to rest a lot and try to get organized. There still seems to be so much to do!!

1 comment:

Sharona said...

YOU LOOK AMAZING!! I can't wait to meet them!