Thursday, December 4, 2008


It seems as soon as I turn my back these days the kids are into something or playing somewhere they shouldn't be. It's somewhat my fault because I'm forget and leave things out that they can easily get into. I left the sales catalogs on the couch, forgetting that Timothy can climb up to it now. He and Cameron completely tore them all apart. The same with the Sunday paper earlier this week, I had it by the door for recycling...Timo attacked it!
And how did they figure out how to pull the mouse down from the computer, get it unplugged and start playing with it?? Everything has to be put up high now.
I feel like I need to have a cleaning service come clean our place now...and get all the nooks and crannies I miss each week. Timothy ends up in the most unlikely places, like behind the sofa. I don't even want to think about how dirty it must be back there!

1 comment:

Abs said...

Emmaline spent her first week in daycare and learned lots of new things. She crawls faster, stands briefly after letting go of furniture and climbs on things. Instead of just pushing around an emoty diaper box she pushed it over to the table and stood on it to reach higher. It gets exhausting keeping up with her.

The mouse and keyboard are both fascinating. So is the remote so we bought Emmaline a very cheap remote of her own. It has no batteries and doesn't operate anything but she accepts it as a "thing of power". It doubles as a phone and remote when she wants what I have.

Good luck!