Monday, July 22, 2013

First Day of Kindergarten!!

I know, I'm so behind in blogging, it's ridiculous. I have the remaining Ohio trip to post as well as some other activities once we got home to post but I didn't want this big day to slid by without documenting it. It was our first day of Kindergarten!! I know what you're thinking, "it's so early", but their school is a year round school, so summer is the beginning of the year. The kindergarten class goes two weeks of the summer session and we chose the last two weeks so we could spend more time in Ohio.  And now the big had has come and almost gone with much success.  Timo and Cameron handled it like pros, and they should be after two years of pre-k at CAIS.  But it's a new school, new teachers, new friends, you never know how thing will go. 

I took these this morning before we headed was hard to focus through the tears in my eyes...

Our new school is just a block away so the kids can ride their scooters...making our commute time all of three minutes.  Love it!
The only bummer of the day was the kids aren't in the same class.  I requested several times for the same teacher but not so much.  The principle said I could submit a request form to have them moved, but they did so well in different classes, maybe I'll just leave it.  Neither Timo or Cameron seemed bothered by it so maybe they like having their own space and then coming together after school to share their adventures.  I'll keep you posted!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

love your article. It was very inspiring.