Monday, July 29, 2013

New Wheels

Timo and Cameron had a new toy while in Ohio this visit...something that they would never be able to have while living in SF. We were at a neighbor's yard sale getting Cameron a little bigger bike for $5 when Harmony saw this Jeep for sale too. One thing to another, once the kids got in she just couldn't refuse. We wheeled and dealed and the kids rode home in their new (used) Jeep! Ah, suberbia life!
They ended up doing everything in that Jeep...using it to blow bubbles, eat snack, and countless adventures using their binoculars and weapons.  And I was pleasantly surprised how well they got along with taking turns driving.  I think they realized riding was just as much fun as being the driver.

It was sad to leave it when we came home but it will be waiting, full charged when we return next time!

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