Thursday, September 5, 2013

Labor Day Staycation Part 1--The Circus

Note to self...when your husband starts his own company, expect him to be working non-stop to get it off the ground. Non-stop.  So given how much the Lord has blessed their business and how much Young needs to work, we weren't able to go away for Labor Day weekend like I typically like to do.  In advanced to the weekend, I decided we would try to have as much fun as possible enjoying SF.  Lucky for me, the Circus was in town!

I've put off going to the Circus in the past because of Cameron's sensitivity to loud noises.  I'm not sure why I didn't think of it sooner but one of my friends suggested we get her some noise-reduction head phones. DUH!  We were able to borrow her two pairs, knowing Timo would want a pair too, and off we headed for their first Circus.  Little did I know, it was Young's first Circus too!!  All three were so excited by the time we got there.
We had planned to show up the hour early to see the animals and clowns but with traffic, the line at will-call and just crowds in general, we missed the pre-show.  But that didn't dampen our spirits.  Once inside we found out seats, put our headphones on and settled in with our corn dogs!
A few of the children's highlights...Cameron loved the big little cheetah lover.
Everyone loved the elephants...amazing...
Timo went crazy over the cannon and even more crazy once he realized someone was going to be shot out it!  And Young was amazed by the high wire walkers.  It was so much fun watching them get all stressed out over the various feats.
The show lasted way longer than I least 25 years for me.  It was almost 2 1/2hours.  Every time the lights went down the kids would ask, "it it over?" and I would say, "No, there's more to come!"  But of course it still wasn't enough for Timo, he was so sad when it was finally over.  I tried to take the family shot on the way out but he was still upset and wouldn't look at the camera...that boy.  But it was so much fun for them and Young.  They all chatted about their favorite parts all the way home.  Just goes to show you are never too old for The Greatest Show On Earth!

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