Thursday, October 24, 2013

Down Days

Since school has started, the most common complaint from Timo and Cameron is "we didn't have any time to play!"  Between school, after school Chinese, homework, dinner, bath and bedtime routine, the kids have very little time during the week to just play with their toys.  So Young and I decided that we would set aside at least two Saturdays a month to keep free for just stay home play time.  We would wake up to lazy mornings, no schedules, no place we needed to be and just let the kids have a free play day....and so far they LOVE it! The first few Saturdays they kept asking "Where are we going today? How long do we have to play?" Nothing and all day!

Legos tops the list of activities, which they can sit down and play up to two hours at a time just building and creating.  Timo is taking an after school Lego class once a week and is learning lots of new tips and tricks.
Random sock boxing glove matches could break out...
Lazy mornings to have big breakfasts...and time for burgers and milkshakes for lunch.
Riding bikes is usually at the top of the list too.  We're so lucky to live across from GG Park, but it's a workout just to ride from our house over to the section that is closed to traffic.  By the time we get there, ride a few loops, the kids are tired and ready to head home.
Time to work on the big puzzles...time for story time and time to read.  Since the kids are learning how to read now, it takes a while to get through one book...but on our lazy Saturdays, we have time.

1 comment:

Leigh Anne said...

We have those same pancake molds! Sesame street, too.... -LA