Saturday, October 12, 2013

Family Time--NC

The best part of visiting the NC is the family time. Even though we were there for a few short days, we made time to go visit Grandma and Aunt Patricia.  We spent the day with them that included lunch at my favorite, Cracker Barrel. The kids were fascinated watching Aunt Patricia come down her steps in her riding chair.
Nothing like checkers in the rocking chairs while we wait for our table...
Timo was showing off his toy gun to Grandma and was totally taken back when she wanted to hold it and show him how to shoot like a real hunter...classic!!  One of the many reasons I love my Grandma!
And when we visit, Kaylee pretty much comes over to stay for the whole time.  They all play together so well, creating new adventures along the way.  They rode bikes 98% of the time but did take a break for some snacks and a little indoor play.  I loved one afternoon Kaylee had them playing school!  She was their teacher, teaching them how to spell and write words...Timo and Cameron LOVED it.
Timo and Cameron had fun going into her class for church and then lunch after at a BBQ place.  Cameron devoured the 1000 hushpuppies along with having a little fun...she a walrus!
We saw a lot more family than this but now realize I didn't take many pictures.  Oh well, sometimes I guess I'm enjoying my family and the moments and not thinking of much else...

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