Monday, March 10, 2014

Hearing Test, 6 Year Check Up and Health

It's a been a while since I've written on the health of the kids...mainly because they have been pretty healthy, knock on wood!  We've been dealing with one minor thing with Timo, his hearing.  Back in December we noticed that he wasn't listening to us or would ask "What did you say?"  At first we thought he was just distracted and not being a good listener, but then I noticed he wouldn't respond to me even if I was standing next to him.  Only if you were looking face to face or very close to his ears could he hear you.  His teachers also noticed his lack of response to them.  So I scheduled an appointment with our pediatrician and had a hearing test done.  It didn't go so well.  This is a picture of him waiting to hear the sounds even though the sounds were going off, it was so sad for me to watch.  After an exam, Dr. B found fluid built up in his inner ear, probably caused from his bad allergies, constantly being stuffy.  We were to double up on our allergy meds for two weeks in hopes of drying it out and come back for a follow up.
Yeah!  Good news, he could hear again...or at least at the loudest tone.  All the fluid was gone but there was a slight discrepancy in the right ear, enough to concern Dr. B.  She sent us to the Audiology Dept for further test.
I'm happy to report that he passed his hearing tests!!  The formal test was fun, they hooked up this device to his hear and measured his ear drum and reflex hearing.  Then he was put in a sound proof room and for the hearing part.  The great doctor played sounds, pitches, asked questions, etc...all he heard except at the highest pitch.  She said that's somewhat normal in some kids because the ear drum doesn't turn up until about the age of 7...hum, who knew?  So even the fluid build up in his ears would go away once his ear drum turns up.  We just need to be aware if he gets a head cold or allergies flare up again that he will have slight loss of hearing.
In between all the hearing test, we had our 6 year check ups and everything looks good.  Cameron is still in the 1% for height and weight and Timo in the 15%.  This was the fist time they had to wear the little paper gowns which Timo did not like at all.  He's a modest little boy and was quite embarrassed by the gown. Cameron, on the other hand, wanted to take it home and wear it to school!
And we've had a bout with a few little illnesses in Feb.  We ended our long 6 year run of no stomach bugs with Timo getting sick for the first time.  It was the first time he had ever thrown up and we really taken back by the whole experience.  I'm still not convinced it was a bug, he only got sick twice, around 4pm and was hungry again by dinner.  I think something he ate for lunch didn't agree with him.  A few weeks later he caught a nasty cold that went into his chest which turned into bronchitis.  We had to go back on the inhaler, fought a pretty high fever but he bounced back fast.  It was one of those nights where his fever was high, he was having trouble breathing, his heart rate was up and I was contemplating taking him to the emergency room.  I would check on him every two house throughout the night (no sleep for mommy) and by morning he sprang out of bed ready for the day like nothing was wrong.  Wish we could have that kind of turnaround recovery!

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