Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Ins and Outs of Life

Just a few "Ins and Outs" of our daily life...

The kids did great on their report cards and parent teacher conferences so we went out to celebrate at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Tommy's!
To say we LOVE our bean bags would be an understatement.  It's their new reading spot.  I love working in their school library on Fridays, I get to check out 6 extra books each week!  I try to do three story/easy reader books and 3 science/non-fiction books, so we have a revolving door of new books each week. Friday afternoons/evenings tend to be quiet in our house....
But not forgeting rainbow looming...they have figured out how to watch you-tube to learn new ways.  Most videos are a little too advanced for them (or they pick the more advanced ones), so I think it's just an excuse to use the tablet...
Saturday morning cartoons have become a norm lately...or just an excuse to snuggle with Daddy...
Who says Cameron doesn't play with dolls??  She loves her Avengers Dolls!!
I had a wonderful afternoon with my daughter a few weekends ago.  I had a baby shower to go to and decided Cameron was old enough to go along too.  We left a little early and had a hot chocolate before walking over. She was so excited to be going to a "grown up party".
There was "diaper decorating" there and Cameron made a special one for baby Arrianna.  It says "you are cute" with a little smiley face.  She did so well at the shower, but was almost just as excited when Daddy and Timo came to pick us up, she does not like being away from Timo for too long.
We had a full moon the other night and Daddy got out the telescope!  It was so cool to see the moon so close!!
In case you ever wonder what we do on weekends?  Well, it isn't house work!!  This is what our living room typically looks like at the end of a weekend, chaos.  But that's what Mondays are for, right?

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