Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Family Game Night

We started a tradition last month that the kids are loving...Family Game Night!  Growing up, we had family game night in our family so I couldn't wait till the kids were old enough to start it with them.  We've played lots of games in the past, but I feel like we're moving on from CandyLand and Old Maid into more involved games...and keeping score!  Timo struggles with not winning every game so Uno is nice because he might only win one or two hands but could come in 1st place after six rounds of keeping score.  He's OK coming in 2nd place as long as it's behind his Daddy!
Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies have become a staple at game night...don't even think of messing with Cameron's desserts!
 Cameron took on Daddy in Battleship...let the best man win!
The kids got a few new games for their birthday and we've enjoyed learning how to play them.  One favorite is have to ask a series of questions to try and figure out what picture is on your head. So much fun!
Our other fun on is Sequence for need to match four in a row to win but other players can block or steal from your sequence, all the while you're trying to keep someone else from getting a sequence.  It's really fun and gets the kids thinking strategy.

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