Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Our Resurrection Garden

This year we did something new as a part of our Easter traditions...a Resurrection Garden.  I've seen these in the past and really wanted to try and get one done this year.  We had a great foundation to start with...a super cool terrarium the kids got as a birthday gift.  We combined the crazy plants that were in the kit with the tools we needed to recreate the Risen Lord's tomb!

We added more soil, planted the seeds and added water to get it started.  Then came the job of making the "tomb" stick, which proved to be a little tricky, but water helped the dirt stay in place.  Timo made the crossed for us out of popsicle sticks...he was very proud of them.  We talked about why there were three, why Jesus was buried in a tomb and tried to connect Easter to Jesus.
We searched everywhere for a rock that would cover the tomb and Cameron came up with the perfect one. Ta-dah!  We built it on a Thursday so on Saturday morning Timo went running downstairs to see if the rock had been rolled away...guess I should have been better about "three days starting on Friday"', huh?
I didn't get a picture of it, but when they woke up Easter morning, the garden was in the kitchen with the rock rolled away, much to our kid's excitement...our Lord is Risen indeed!
Of course, when dealing with dirt and water, there is always a mud hole that evolves.  And where there is mud, there are mud balls, mud pies and muddy kids.  Timo drew a target on the fence and they had some serious target practice.  I love that Spring is on it's way!
Now that Easter is over, our terrarium is covered and hoping to see some crazy eyeball plants and fly traps growing soon!

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