Thursday, December 11, 2008

Security Monkey

For some reason I'm obsessed with taking pictures of Timothy sleeping with his monkey. We put the kids down to sleep nap or night, he climbs all around the crib, I usually have to go back in at least one to retrieve his pacifier from the floor...all the while, monkey is sitting in the corner of the crib untouched. Then I go back in after the kids are sleeping to cover them up. Somehow Timo has found his monkey and can't go to sleep without it. I think it's so funny that he falls asleep on top of the monkey. I know I'm probably the only one that thinks this is cute, so bare with me.


The Kapics said...

That is SO cute! Bailey is the same with Lily Mae, her green frog doll.

Matt and Lauren said...

I think that is precious!!! I am glad you shared ot.