Thursday, October 1, 2009

Balloon Mania

I really try not to take the kids out when I run errands but sometimes it can't be helped so they come along. This particular day we were hitting our local Trader Joes which give out balloons to the kids. Thank Goodness! The kids played with their "loons" the whole time I shopped, the whole way home and all day in the house.

The balloons had really long strings on them so the kids had a blast reaching up on their tippy toes to grab the strings.

Then Cameron started rolling over her balloon soon followed by Timo. Every time they roll off, the balloons would float back up...starting the whole game over again. I thought the balloons would pop but they just kept going and going. The balloons had lost all their height by morning so the kids lost interest...but boy did we get a full days worth of enjoyment out of those two balloons.

This isn't the best video I've ever taken but it show what Timo was doing with his balloon most of the time...having a boxing match with it!

1 comment:

Matt and Lauren said...

What do you do with your kids while you run errands. I have to take mine everywhere I go.