This is when the kids keen sense comes into play...I think they could feel my eagerness for some quiet time, maybe felt me wanting some distance, I don't know but they certainly did not like the vibe they were getting from me and decided to stand their little ground and make sure I wasn't going anywhere! We had one of the worst nights with them both since they were tiny babies. One or both of them seemed to cry ALL NIGHT LONG...FOR NO APPARENT REASON AT ALL!!! Just crying to be held or rocked. As soon as we put them down they would start crying again. I think we all got just a few hours of sleep and by 6:30am Mother's Day morning, after hearing them cry off and on for hours, I was in tears. What a great way to start Mother's Day, huh?
I was exhausted and Young had to be at church early for a meeting so that left me to get myself and the kids breakfast and ready for church. After chasing a naked Timo all around the house, holding the screaming toddler down to get him dressed, and trying to figure out why Cameron was having a melt down over the wrong color sipping cup I gave her...we were ready for church and out the door. It was only 9am and I had a headache beginning to pound away at my temples and my eyes felt half closed. I got to church with a few minuets to spare so I dropped the kids in children's church and made my way to a coffee shop to have some quiet. I just sat there, sipping my tea, eyes closed, fighting back more tears and wondered "is this is what Mother's Day really was...just being a mom." For goodness sake, I do that every other day of the year, couldn't I just have one day??
I was dragging my feet getting back to church, just wanting a few more moments of solitude, where I was met by my husband with the most sympathetic looks. He knew how I was feeling and told me he had rearranged the babysitter for the evening so I could go home after church and take a nap and we would have a date night for dinner. My mood started to pick up and as we sang worship songs in church I tried to focus on how grateful I am to be a mom and for our two beautiful children...and what a gift they are. I started to then think about my own mom and how she had many many many Mother's Days that were less than perfect as well and how I wish I had known then what I know now....I would have made them the most special days of her life...because now I know what it's like to be a mom.
My Mother's Day had a fantastic finish, thanks to my amazing husband. I took a two hour nap, had an unforgettable meal at RN74, and came home to two beautiful children who slept ALL NIGHT LONG last night. It wasn't the Mother's Day I had expected or planned in my head but it certainly was one I will never forget! I guess Mother's Day is really all about being a mom...all the good and ALL the bad...
My one regret of the day is I that didn't get a picture of me with the twins. I only have pictures of my gifts...our dinner (dessert pic) at RN74 and the sleeping angles...what more could I ask for???
Glad to know I'm not the only one still crying over (isolated) difficulties lulling the little one(s) to sleep! Just had a nice cry over it Sunday night and thought, "What a way to end Mothers Day!!" Monday was much better. ;-) PS: Just got my first snack traps to try!
Mine was a little like that too. Len had to work 11am - 7pm that day so we dropped him at work and went to Wal-Mart where I was that woman with the shreaking child in her cart that could be heard all over the store. Nothing calmed her down so we went home and she slept for 3 hours. I got to rest and do what I wanted and when she woke up we did fun crafts all day and my Mother's Day ended on a perfect note.
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