We've been "saying prayers" with the kids ever since they were baby babies and it's one of the most special times of the day we have with them. They each get on their knees (or more recently laying down) fold their hands and shut their eyes so tight...it very cute. We always start out with "Dear Jesus, thank you for our day...." and they shout this out as loud as they can. Then they start repeating each thing we say until the end we we say "we love you Jesus...Amen" And then they give a big shout "hallelujah!" with hand in the air! It's kinda funny, I'm not sure how the whole hallelujah started after amen but it's something that just stuck. Now, when we're out for dinner and pray or the kids pray at church, or anywhere really, they always shout "hallelujah!" after Amen. People always turn and stare...oh well, can't contain the gospel in our kids!
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