Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kickin' back...

I hear lots of women say how much they love or loved being pregnant. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those women. Pretty much from day one of conception I have been complaining about one thing or another going on with my body. From sickness, stretching pains, bathroom trips or just general discomfort, pregnancy hasn't been a joy ride for me. But I have to say, one aspect of this pregnancy that has brought me joy is feeling my babies move. Their movements increase and get stronger day to day, week to week. It took a while for Young to feel the movements but now he is just as fascinated with them as I am. I suppose it just makes the babies more real for us. And we are so lucky with twins, one of the two is usually moving at any point of the day. I can just imagine a little foot, tiny elbow or forceful hand pushing their way around inside. I'm trying to define their personalities by their movements. Timothy moves less but packs a powerful punch. Cameron is almost always on the move, seemingly trying to get comfortable. I wonder if Timothy is giving her a few kicks just to say "settle down over there, I'm trying to sleep."...hum, just a sign of things to come...

1 comment:

Sharona said...

You know, they say constant movement (for example, fidgeting) is a sign of high metabolism! Guess which one of those babies is going to be the pastry chef!