Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Ladies Man

Young has been traveling quite a bit over the past few weeks so I've employed the help of a few friends. It's nice to have an extra pair of hands for bath time and bedtime feedings. My friends Sharona and Annelies were great with the kids...especially with Timothy. He is becoming quite the ladies man. As you can see, he likes to make himself comfortable. Thanks to both you girls for putting up with the screaming, drooling and 2am feedings.


Matt and Lauren said...

John and Timothy have a lot of the same clothes!! It makes me laugh. It is great that you have so many people to help you out. The kids are adorable. Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?

Anonymous said...

ok seriously- i love how he has his way with the pacifier. it was a fun evening and intro to my later evening of poetry reading...