Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sleep training: update

So we are a week into our sleep training and I can report progress! There was few days in there that I was questioning the whole method, but it's true...if you stick with the plan you will see success. We have the kids on a four hour feeding schedule now from 8am to 8pm. We have regular nap time down and a set bedtime. They kids are only waking up twice at night instead of three times and are sleeping longer stretches. Our next step is to cut out night time feedings and get them to sleep through the night. We've been keeping a log on how much they eat at each night time we start by gradually cutting back 1/2oz for three nights and then cut another 1/2oz for three nights and so on until they no longer wake up for that feeding.

The hardest time is the 4pm to 8pm feeding. They aren't supposed to nap during that time. They get so sleepy and cranky around 6:30 or we've started walking with them at night to keep them awake and occupied until bath time at 7:30. We are getting good use of our Baby Borjoins (they would fall asleep in the stroller). Here is a shot of us heading out for our Saturday evening stroll...the kids are big enough to be turned around now, it's a whole new world for them!

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