Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve

Young and I started the tradition of eating a nice lunch out on Christmas Eve years ago when I used to work all nighters Christmas Eve at Citizen Cake. I would get home in the morning, sleep for a few hours and then we would go have a large lunch. We tried to carry on this tradition last year with the kids and again this year. The only exception is our restaurant of choice is now a low key, kid friendly place.

We tried to find a place that had other activities in the a park and maybe some festive activity for the kids. We decided on North Beach (Italian town) because of the park, playground and best of all...the Cable Car Museum!
When you walk into the museum you are overwhelmed by the noise. It's the actually hub of where all the cables run from that run all the cable cars in the city. There are these huge wheels turning and engines running that were perfect for Timo but not for Cameron. But once she saw the the cable cars to climb on the bells to ring, she warmed right up.

We headed over to lunch next to fill our bellies with pasta! We had a hard time getting Timo to leave the museum so it was way past their lunch time before we got to the restaurant. Timo knows how to eat with his fork...but he was so hungry, he started shoveling it in as soon as it was put in front of him! Once he had a little, he went back to his fork...

And Cameron was all about seeing how much pasta she could twirl on her fork!

Luckily the park was right across the street so the kids could run off their lunch. It was a gorgeous day with perfect weather for outdoor play.

We headed home so EVERYONE could take a nap. After we put the kids down, Young and I crashed on the sofa and I think we all slept for 2+hours! It's been so long since I've taken a long afternoon nap like that...a little early Christmas present! Then it was time to change and go to church for our Christmas Eve service. There was no child care so some of the kids all sat together...making for a somewhat rowdy service...
Once we got home we tucked the kids in "for a long winter's nap..." so Santa could get busy...good thing we took a long nap earlier that day!

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