Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Melt Downs

Ah, the mind of a 2 year old...I'm not sure if I will ever be able to figure them out. Let's just start with what Cameron is wearing...she insisted she wear this little short sleeve jacket and was having a total melt down over it. It was too chilly outside for short sleeves so we needed to reach a compromise...a new fashion statement! She seemed prefectly happy to be wearing the jacket, regarless of how she looked!

While playing, the kids got into a tug a war over the yellow dump truck...never mind the fact they each have one, they both wanted the yellow one this day. Cameron lost the tugging battle and threw a tantrum on the ground. She laid flat out and rolled back and forth on the dirt. I wouldn't think this so strange if I didn't already know that Cameron HATES getting dirty. She is constantly pointing out messes on her clothes, hands, table, anywhere. It's always "uh oh Mommy, mess...clean it" I guess she was really upset if she wanted attention by getting dirty.

1 comment:

Abs said...

It's like Emmaline with her pink tutu, purple rain boots and bunny ear head band. I figure ultimately she's happy and it's not really dangerous.
