Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tahoe Day 3

Saturday morning was a beautiful, hot day so we loaded up and headed to the Sand Harbor beach area (Thanks Kapics for the heads up). This location was so beautiful! Clear water, plenty of shade, sunny and lots and lots of sand! We got there early and it's a good thing...when we were leaving at 2pm there was a long line of cars backed up at least a mile down the road trying to turn in and find parking!
Young got up early that morning to set out and find Timo a paddle ball set (see previous post). I have a rule...if the kids play with someone else's toy for over an hour, then it might be worth investing in one of our own.(Luckily it was an end of the season sale and it only cost $5!) What a good Daddy!!
Of course it was all about digging again. The three kids kept themselves busy for quite a while and I was impressed that they were all "working together" least for a little while.
Mason and Jasper dug the biggest hole EVER while Yang tried to build a castle before it got noticed and knocked down by two destructors named Jasper and Timo.

Time to go swimming. The whole beach area was this sand bar so you could walk way out and still be only waist deep. Cameron was loving the water!

cameron and daddy swimming from Sara ko on Vimeo.

But Timo wasn't so sure...the water was a bit too chilly for him.

I think the kids were so worn out, even their nap didn't help. Everyone was so cranky when they woke up, it took a good 30-45mins for them to calm them down. We had to put in the emergency mood changer...Dora the Explorer...worked like magic!
That evening, our plan was to all go out for dinner but everyone was so tired and unmotivated, we just ordered pizza. Timo refused to get dressed and Cameron somehow got a boo-boo (doesn't take much). She insisted on having a band-aid (I brought some just in for that reason). She unwrapped it and put it on her face all by herself. Don't worry, it looks much worse than it really is...
After dinner, everyone was armed with their flashlights, ready go hunting for crickets and frogs!
This is what vacations are all about!

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