Thursday, September 30, 2010

Civic Center Wednesday

We try to hit one farmer's market a week in the area and lately it's been the Civic Center market. The Saturday one is way too crowded and the Thursday one has way too many money spending temptation for the kids (bouncy house, face painting, etc). And because the main library is located at the Civic Center too, we can combine our two outings into one!
We've entered our Indian Summer here in SF and the weather had been amazing the past few weeks. Every week we've had a beautiful day to cruise the isles of produce and proteins!We got some nice raspberries and sat down at the water fountain for a little snack.
Then we head next door to the library. The main branch has a large kid's play area and 10X more books than our neighborhood library...and for some reason, lot's less people.

By now it's so typical...Cameron heads for the little book worm.
And Timo heads straight for the computer and coloring station...anything but reading...

By the end, if everyone has behaved themselves, we stop at the kettle corn both on the way out...which I'm quickly becoming addicted to!

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